Thanks for your feedback! I have updated the summary. Also I have some more questions:
Zen you mentioned "disease" when referring to things that reduce population. Were you referring to magic or a random event? or battle disease affliction somehow spreading to pop?!?
Does Population decrease after successful blood-hunting?
Are there any spells for increasing pop?
Are there any spells or random events that decrease Unrest?
Are there any spells or random events for increasing or decreasing supplies?
Are there any scales that directly increase/decrease unrest?
Updated Summary:
** Population:
- upon game creation province terrain type is used to "seed" map with an appropriate level of population
- Higher Income
- Higher supplies (see supply section)
- Increased Chance of finding Blood Slaves and increased # of Blood Slaves
Population increased by:
- Positive growth scale (+0.2%/level)
- Random Events
Population decreased by:
- high taxes (0.3% pop lost for every 10% tax above 100%?)
- Pillaging
- Patrolling to reduce unrest reduces population (10 per 1 successful unrest reduction)
- Negative growth scale (-0.2%/level)
- Random events
- Spells
** Income:
- 200 population generate one gold
- Income = gold * tax rate
Income modifiers
- fortresses: add (admin/2)% extra gold
- scales
---- Order/Turmoil: +/-7% per scale level
---- Productivity/Sloth: +/- 2% per scale level
---- Heat/Cold: -5% per scale level
- Unrest
- Spells
- Magic sites
- Random events
** Unrest:
- lower income
- if greater then 100, can not recruit units
Unrest increased by:
- taxes over 100%
- battles
- enemy spies
- enemy dominion
- Blood Hunting
- Enemy spells
- Random Events
Unrest decreased by:
- taxes less then 100%
- Patrolling (however some pop loss)
** Supplies:
Effect of no supplies:
- unsupplied units "starve" which effects Morale (-4)
- on second turn or later may get "diseased" affliction - i.e. loose 1HP per turn until dead
Supplies increased by:
- increasing population
- fortress in and within 4 provinces
---- same province = admin * 4
---- 1 provinces away = admin * 2
---- 2 provinces away = admin * 1.33
---- 3 provinces away = admin * 1
---- 4 provinces away = admin * 0.8
---- 5+ provinces away = 0
---- Growth Scale: +20% supplies per level
- Nature Mage: +5 supplies per level of Nature magic
- Pillage
- Magic Items (e.g. Cauldron of Broth, Bag of Wine)
Supplies decreased by:
- Heat/Cold Scale: -10% supplies per level
- Growth Scale: -20% supplies per level
Provincial Supply Formula