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Old November 24th, 2003, 03:20 PM

Rainbow Rainbow is offline
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Default Stealthy preacher question

In Dom1 it was possible to remain stealthy while preaching in an enemy province.

Has this changed in Dom2? I have tried (again) to do this, and so far have had no luck. My monks are always discovered and attacked, immediately after they start preaching. They can usually remain hidden if they chose to, but that doesn't help my dominion much.

I am aware that there is good and bad stealth, and that monks are only stealthy (+0).

The thing is, I don't trust my own experiences so far, as I don't feel I have tested it thoroughly enough. Do anyone have similar or different experience with preaching in enemy provinces in Dom2?

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Old November 24th, 2003, 07:32 PM

Breschau Breschau is offline
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

I've not tried it much, but you can preach while 'stealthed' in an enemy province. However, according to the descriptive text, you're more likely to be detected preaching than if you were just sitting there or passing through.

I tested it in a (demo) game just now - had a Machaka Ear of the Lord (Stealth (+10) and holy 2) - preached in an empty enemy province for several turns, and been preaching for 2 turns now in a province with 50 satyrs in it (AI nation rather than indie).
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Old November 24th, 2003, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

Originally posted by Rainbow:
Do anyone have similar or different experience with preaching in enemy provinces in Dom2?
Yep, the same thing happened to me a few times while preaching in independents province. I never witnessed this in Dom 1.
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Old November 24th, 2003, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

from tips while generating turn :
"If you want a stealth unit raising dominion,
either have your pretender god or prophet stealthy"

that's not the exact words but the idea is there
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Old November 25th, 2003, 12:51 PM

Rainbow Rainbow is offline
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

Thanks for the replies. Appreciated.

I have noticed that in game tip about making a stealthy prophet, but so far I have ignored it, because I thought that the risk of losing the prophet was far too great, and because I didn't really consider that the prophet will spread dominion, even if he is not preaching. Right now I am thinking about making one of those (+30) stealth chars into a prophet. Anyone know if there are any unit with stealth higher than that in the game?

I should compile a list of all stealthy units and their exact stealth.

Imagine a race with most units having either glamour or stealth. Fighting against that could be tricky. And playing that race could be fun.

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Old November 25th, 2003, 03:09 PM

Chris Byler Chris Byler is offline
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

Originally posted by Rainbow:

Imagine a race with most units having either glamour or stealth. Fighting against that could be tricky. And playing that race could be fun.
Hehe, it's called Vanheim. OK, not most units, but their most powerful (and sacred) units, and most of their commanders, and one of their pretenders, have stealth + glamour + free Mirror Image every battle.

Pangaea has a lot of stealth too (but not glamour AFAIK).
People do not like to be permanently transformed and would probably revolt against masters that tried to curse them with iron bodies.
Pigs, on the other hand, are not bothered, or at least they don't complain.
-- Dominions II spell manual
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Old November 25th, 2003, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

Originally posted by Chris Byler:
Originally posted by Rainbow:

Imagine a race with most units having either glamour or stealth. Fighting against that could be tricky. And playing that race could be fun.
Hehe, it's called Vanheim. OK, not most units, but their most powerful (and sacred) units, and most of their commanders, and one of their pretenders, have stealth + glamour + free Mirror Image every battle.

Pangaea has a lot of stealth too (but not glamour AFAIK).

And the Last Tuatha Theme of Man, which is almost a clone of Vanheim with Nature and Air magic.
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Old November 25th, 2003, 10:22 PM
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Default Re: Stealthy preacher question

Hehe, it's called Vanheim. OK, not most units, but their most powerful (and sacred) units, and most of their commanders, and one of their pretenders, have stealth + glamour + free Mirror Image every battle.
Yep. But only stealth +0, and there seems to be a very big difference between that and stealth +30. In a test game, I send a stealth +30 Bard to the capital of Vanheim, with orders to cause unrest. He has been there a *long* time. It seems a substantial advantage to the nations with spies/assassins.
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