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Old April 3rd, 2001, 07:06 PM

KiloOhm KiloOhm is offline
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

Originally posted by capt_spoogy:
[b]Some additional Comments:

I must admit that I'm against hunting for sport. I think it is stupid - what kind of challenge is it to kill an animal with a high power rifle?

What's the problem with going out with a camera, finding the animals and taking a nice picture of it? What purpose does it serve to kill it for sport? It's different if you intend to eat it or need it to survive, but just to kill it to say "I killed this, isn't it great?"

I don't hunt, but I'm friends with a lot of them. Hunting for sport IS stupid, however, probably 99% of hunters eat the meat of the animal they kill, which in my book is fine. Unless your a vegitarian, noone should be putting down hunters, they are MUCH MUCH more cruel to animals (like cows and chickens) that are used by the beef / poultry industry than a hunter could possibly be.

As far as the bullet logo goes. It IS a wargaming forum. I don't condone war or killing but I do find the weapons / tactics facinating. I think of it more like a game of chess than anything else (which is just a very abstracted war game in itself). Your child should be educated enough (by YOU not the forum) to understand the difference between seeing a bullet and killing someone.

I'm not bashing anyone, just stating my take on it...

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Old April 3rd, 2001, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

I'm just saying that the bullet dosent go with "intel". If your spy killed someone, the authorities would be all over him/her and the operation would fail.
Something with a more "sneaky" spy theme would be better IMO, for an intel forum.

Try a cloaked figure whispering to someone, or a guy going through a file cabinet with a flashlight, that sort of thing.
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Old April 3rd, 2001, 09:38 PM

KiloOhm KiloOhm is offline
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

Originally posted by suicide_junkie:
I'm just saying that the bullet dosent go with "intel". If your spy killed someone, the authorities would be all over him/her and the operation would fail.
Something with a more "sneaky" spy theme would be better IMO, for an intel forum.

Try a cloaked figure whispering to someone, or a guy going through a file cabinet with a flashlight, that sort of thing.

I think by intel, they mean information gathering. Like knowing enemy troop movements is "intel", but not necessarily spying on them (it's hard to hide information like battalion movements), although sometimes they are the same thing.

I do agree that intel and bullets don't seem to match, but the bullet fits the nature of thier software in general (war games).

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Old April 3rd, 2001, 11:35 PM

Possum Possum is offline
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

I cannot believe that you liberal gun-grabbers actually dared to use this forum to inflict your personal politics on the rest of us.

Have you no shame at all?
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Old April 4th, 2001, 12:00 AM

Sirkit Sirkit is offline
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

Originally posted by capt_spoogy:
For me, it's not an issue about guns and gun control - I just don't think it fits in very well with the form.

I said this earlier and someone else mentioned it as well, since it's the "intel" forum - some sort of "Top Secret" stamp motif would be better suited.

In Canada, they have introduced new controls where you obtain a special license that allows you to buy ammunition which I think is a good idea - but I think the government having too much info about the owners can lead to trouble. For example, if the police are called to a domestic dispute and they look up that one of the people have a gun - and they going to come with guns drawn?

I think the license is good - but we got to do more keeping illegal guns off the streets - that will make a bigger difference.

[This message has been edited by capt_spoogy (edited 03 April 2001).]

I just plain don't trust the Canadian government to know that kind of information, remember the big brother scandel, ug!

While I agree that this forum has been twisted a bit by "liberal gun grabbers" I don't think a flame was nessisary... Besides there is a voting forum for thiss issue making this preticular topic a mute point.
What? Why? he really did it? Who Knew? -me 20 min ago
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Old April 4th, 2001, 12:57 AM

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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

Sirkit, that wasn't a flame. Believe me, if I was to stoop to flames, you'd know it Nonetheless, if you perceive me to have spoken inappropriately, I apologize.

Fact is, politics have no place in these here forums. I have my opinions, like they have theirs. Mine are just as inherently valid as theirs, and I have just as much right to express mine publicly as they have to express theirs. When those who would subvert our Constitutional rights rear their ugly heads, it is for all good men to challenge them, loudly and proudly. If you want to point a finger, point it at those who brought up this subject in the first place
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Old April 4th, 2001, 01:02 AM

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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

I predict that this thread is about to get closed and locked, and I suspect that it's probably for the best. Then it will truly be, as Sirkit put it, a mute (sic) point
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Old April 4th, 2001, 02:14 AM
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

"I just plain don't trust the Canadian government to know that kind of information, remember the big brother scandel, ug!"
Everytime I hear the comment "big brother" I have to ask:
Have you actually read the book that that came from? I hope you have, because its not about us, its about Communism. I don't see how anything about BB is relevant here, because we have a tried and true democracy, no matter what any dumb jerk wacko type ultra radicals say. Everytime I see a radical dumb(insert word of choice here) group demanding something about the government, I get so ticked. I bet those "militia's" don't even have their members vote. So they are dumb (again with the choice words)
As for the bullet, I have to say its close to neutral. If it was a picture of dead bodies, then I would be offended. But here in this forum about war, I think it could be considered appropriate.
(Who said that the .270 was twice as big as the AR-15? I thought the AR-15 was .223, which isn't close to 1/2 unless I am forgetting one of the wacky rules)
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat. The two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.
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Old April 4th, 2001, 02:24 AM

Marty Ward Marty Ward is offline
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

I don't the book "1984" was about Communism, it was more about total government control of your life. Animal Farm was Orwell's book about communism. At least that is what I remember. Can't say he was to accurate about 1984 though.
I don't mind seeing the opinions expressed here and I hope Shrapnel doesn't close it.
They are only opinions and I don't think anyone is out to change anyone elses mind on any subject. Actually between this thread and the how old are you thread we are getting to know each other quite well.
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Old April 4th, 2001, 03:21 PM

Krakenup Krakenup is offline
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Default Re: Umm, have to bring up the new \"look\"

I don't like the bullet for aesthetic reasons. 1) The bullet is pointed out. It shold be pointed in, drawing the viewer into the forum. 2) It's a pretty cheesy cut and paste job. The background is a different color than the forum background. 3) The bullet itself is not very attractive or impressive. If Shrapnel is going to use a bullet, they should do a better job.
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