Re: me wants!
Except for the only missles damaging planets, all the rest of these ideas are hard-coded and we can't do anything about them. The Warp Point size and population to run facilites was intended for SEIV but never was implemented. I would guess that we could see something similar, or at least the option, for these in SEV.
As for only missles targetting planets, that's easily modded. Just removed the Planet from the targetable entry in the components.txt file.
[ July 07, 2004, 19:11: Message edited by: bearclaw ]
Nick (bearclaw)
You don't know the Power of the Dark Side. I must obey my Master.
Potestatem obscuri lateris nescitis
A+ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr- C+ Csp Sf* AuO M++ MpTFdAM St RTNH Pw++ Fq++ Nd++ Rp++ G++ Mm++ Bb++ L+ Tcp-