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Old July 1st, 2004, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

I like it would be cool if we can do it in SE4 but I think not at this timw
Kill em all let God sort em out
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Old July 1st, 2004, 01:39 AM

BlackRose BlackRose is offline
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

I love the idea! I posted something similar a few days ago, i'll drag it in here to see what people think


I'd like to see a few 100 Minor races that dont go past the planet level, ie the develop and use a planet but dont expand past that.

Each race would have one of the demeanors.

Each demeanor would have a positive/negative reaction to how that race views you (because of your demeanor). (IE violent and aggressive would have more in common that wiolent and serene)

Planets would have 2 Main Ratings, Loyalty and Fear and. Planets could be effectively governed either way, a high fear rating would suffice to increase production as would a high loyalty rating. This would be dependant on how that race views your race (or how your own people view you). Troops on a planet would increase teh fear rating, sending positive things would increase loyalty.

Captains: Its been modded in but i'd like to see more of it. You could make a facility that would train and produce captains (only a certain amount of captains per ship or per planet or per population would be allowed). Captains would be 0kt and are allowed on any ship. Captains would provide different bonuses depending on race and design. Depending on your races demeanor Captains would radiate either FEAR or LOYALTY while in orbit or stationed on a planet. Captains could gain experience just like ships thus increasing their tactical bonus and thier Fear/Loyalty bonus.

Admirals - Function the same way as captains do yet provide their bonus to a fleet rather than a ship. (fewer would be available, possible have to be trained from captain level?)

Capital Ships - Depending on how many planets/population/ships you have you can commision any 1 ship to be a capital ship. (you would be limited in the overal amount you could have). This ship would gain Tonnage, Deffensive/Offensive Bonus and would also radiate Fear/Loyalty.

Flag Ship - Only one ship at any given time can be designated the Flag Ship. This would have massive bonuses and added tonnage. Would also generate lots of Fear/Loyalty (depending on your race and who your dealing with).

Captains/Admirals can be captured and intterogated (just like ships can be anaylized).

Losing a Captain or Admiral or Flag Ship would have bad affects on your planets.

Diplomats - Unit like the captain that travells on a ship or stays at a planet. Diplomats serve to increase either loyalty or fear depending on how that race (or your own race) is governed or vews your race.

Loyalty/Fear Buildings that could be put on planet to increase either of those values.

To further describe what I mean but Loyalty or Fear here goes:

A loyalty Bar, A fear Bar, and an Hatred bar.

A planet could have 5 Loyalty, 35 Fear, and 60 Hatred. This planet would be in danger of revolt.

A ship comes into orbit containg a captain level 3 that radiates 10 Fear because he is violent and the race is serene. The planet goest to 5 Loyalty 45 fear and 50 undecided. The planet is no longer in serious danger to revolt so it can now build troops.

During this time the minor race fires of a meaningless (but game fun) message about sending away one of your 'butchers'. They promise to behave!

(just adds atmosphere!)

If the captain leaves the planet woudl maintain that bonus for lets say 5 turns. Each turn he stays would mean two turns taht it would maintain the bonus without him.
Not trying to jack your thread atrocities! Curious if you what you think about blending the two?

Myself i'd like to keep catains quite rare and admirals really rare, I'd also like them to have a bit of unique personality. In that sense dont think of them as Captains but Heroes, as every ship has a captain but only a few ships have ones that are really distinguished!

It would add a really fun element to SEV!
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Old July 1st, 2004, 01:54 AM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

I would much prefer a less controllable system, perhaps one wherein that a ship that is already "elite" can occasionally spit out/create a "legendary captain" unit that you can move around at will and can be lost, etc...sort of like Star Fleet Battles had.

I just feel that if captains become producable then I'll just have them on every ship as a matter of course - and then they aren't anything "special." I just think there is a better feeling of "space opera" when they become a much rarer commodity...
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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:07 AM

Paul1980au Paul1980au is offline
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

Dont forget to consider master computers (would captains be done away with or modified at that stage in the game - will master computers be included in the game - could they just enhance the captains abilities by offering complex computing power to raise crew experience or captain experience through some sort of cyber hookup to the ships computer system that would allow captain to have more strategic options ?)

Good idea artictoies and yes to keep it farily simply would be good - how about making it race specific (only some races can have captains) perhaps a seperate tech tree ?
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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:08 AM
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

Great minds think alike. This just proves my point about how popular this game has become.
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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:09 AM
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

Originally posted by Paul1980au:
Dont forget to consider master computers (would captains be done away with or modified at that stage in the game - will master computers be included in the game - could they just enhance the captains abilities by offering complex computing power to raise crew experience or captain experience through some sort of cyber hookup to the ships computer system that would allow captain to have more strategic options ?)

Good idea artictoies and yes to keep it farily simply would be good - how about making it race specific (only some races can have captains) perhaps a seperate tech tree ?
Ships with Master Computers would not need a captain or crew. I think ships with master computers shouldn't even have crew quarters or bridges either.
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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:13 AM
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

Black Rose I honestly did not read your post. I think I was out of town when you made it. I thought about the captain idea on the way to the beach and wrote it down once we got there. I had other concepts for the game but have not posted them as of yet.

I think it is a good idea to blend the two ideas. However I am of the mind that every race can have this and that captains are a commoditee (sp).

100 captains would = 10 admirals, - would = 1 Fleet Admiral.

Captains are a dime a donze so to speak, but admirals and such are much more rare and I do love the idea that if an admiral is killed it should effect populations. Great idea there.
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Old July 1st, 2004, 07:12 AM

TNZ TNZ is offline
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

I like the idea of having Captains and Admirals in SE5. I would suggest that all ships should have a commanding officer component. The commanding officer component would have a life span of 30 years. At that point, the component would reset. If, by that time, the commanding officer has reached the rank of Captain he is promoted to Admiral ( placed in the Admiral pool ). If the commanding officer has not reached the rank of Captain after 30 years he is retired. The commanding officer would be killed when his component is destroyed ( the component would reset when repaired) or when his ship is destroyed. Admirals are assigned from the Admiral pool to a fleet. An Admiral is killed when the Last ship in his fleet is destroyed. Admirals retire after 30 years. When a fleet is decommissioned, the Admiral is placed back in the pool. If a fleet is made and the Admiral pool is empty the best commanding officer is promoted to Admiral. Just an idea on how it might work.
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Old July 1st, 2004, 09:47 AM

BlackRose BlackRose is offline
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

Just so everyone knows I dont want to take any credit for coming up with the idea I got it from your ST mod and you got it from Kwok. I loved having captains in your mod thought we could all have a dose of them in the regular game

I would also like to see captains have diplomatic effects like helping ease a restless population while in orbit of a planet (ofc an Admiral would have a better effect)

On the same token wouldnt it be great to have a bonafide flag ship to put that Grand Admiral on? 1 Flag Ship per Grand admiral, 25% bonus in KT, Defense and Offense Modifiers and access to better mounts and weapons!
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Old July 1st, 2004, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: SE V Captain/Admiral Components

I got the idea from the same place BR, and in part I wanted to see Captains and Admirals in SE V because of another game that used them very well; Rebellion.

Sachmo's story also promoted me to thing about them.

If we do have captains and Admirals in SE V then we could have a whole new class of intel projects to go with them. Assination, capture, conVersion, etc.
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