NEGATIVE synergy picks
I had posted earlier my travails with my bloodthirsty beserker race out of contact with potential energies in a large galaxy with medium # of AIs, a low tech start, and high tech costs.
After some reflection, I see now that my picks have NEGATIVE synergy with respect to the game conditions. Specifically:
1) A low tech start with high tech costs means the need for many new colonies to research anything. New colonies = mad bloodthirsties.
2) Large galaxy means probably long distances to cover, but w/o solar panels (hard to research, see #1), almost impossible to do quickly.
3) To expand much at all means rings of colonies for, if nothing else, resupply points if one does not have lots of good solar panels or quantum reactors. For the effects of all those resupply points, see #1. For the problems of researching the advanced tech, also see #1.
4) Or, I could research troops, but the difficulties associated with that research effort, see #1 again.
5) Many of the above difficulties could be mitigated if in the middle of a good war. However, with a large galaxy and only medium #s of potential victims, the chances were excellent I'd be alone. Well, unless I researched and expanded - - see #1 again!
What a box I got myself into! My racial picks have negative synergy with the game conditions! I needed small galaxy, or many AIs, or higher tech start, or lower tech costs!
Oh, well! I'll just conquer them all anyway. After all, they're only AIs! ;-))