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Old November 3rd, 2003, 06:15 AM
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Default OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Please indluge this attempt at authourship. The author makes no claim to know what he is doing...(I'm making this up as I go along.... )

Giants Awakening: Part One of 'Civilizations in Ashes'

Prologue: The Dig

Danni set down her shovel and took a minute to look around the barren landscape around her. It was quite simply amazing, no signs of civilization upon the surface of Gith-Yari (I) at all but dig a few hundred feet below the surface and the ruins of an ancient race were there for the taking. No one really knew what happened to the race the University had dubbed the 'Cryslonites' but it was if something had totally vaporized all thier above ground habitat. Including any flora or fauna.

She was quite excited to see the artifacts just unearthed by herself and her partner 'Xar'. She knew that her face beamed excitement, but then most humans faces were easy to read emotionally, the Abbiddon though were harder to read as they could not survive outside their environmental suits gaseous atmosphere. The suit was humanoid though Xar was far from it, more leechlike actually, it still gave Danni a small shudder even though they had hit it off quite well and were fast becoming friends of a sort.

"What do you think they are Danni-friend??". The translator machine in Xar's suit made his question come out in almost a rasp, like a voice with a dry cough. Not the sturdiest of machines it had taken a beating with all the dust and grit in the air.

"Not sure Xar. Definitly the gems and the broken shards are the remains of Cryslonite buildings or memory crystals, but the metal sphere is unknown. I've never seen any non-crystalline tech in any of the Cryslonite worlds I've been on." Danni replied, somewhat pensively. The sphere was taking up too much of her concentration, it almost deliberately drew the eye towards it. Definitly strange.

Xar carefully picked up the sphere, holding it close to his suits helmet, his large eyes finally focusing now that it was within range of his races notoriously weak visual abilities.

"Self does not like it,....it.....feels bad...." Xar rasped again, a great deal of emotion in his normally flat voice.

"Pardon??" Danni said with a start. Xar had been somewhat of an enigma. His race was not known for its interests beyond artwork, though she admitted that archeology was somewhat similar as it unearthed lost treasures, many of them art. In the six months she had known him this was the first real human level emotion that she had gotten from him. Puzzling on his sudden change it took her a second to realize that the Sphere had suddenly started glowing with a dull green light, the light reminded her of the swamp gas lights of Edrell (IV) back when she had first started these offworld digs. "What the...." she started to say but Xar cut her off with what the translator spit out as a feedback shriek as he dropped the Sphere and took four quick steps backwards. It continued to glow, getting brighter by the moment.

Xar's suit continued to emit garbled sounds as her University emergency training kicked in. Slinging off her backpack she reached for the containment field generator and quickly set it up around the Sphere, turning it on to the standard level of containment. A snap hiss of air displacement as a force shield sprung up around the sphere, lifting it off the ground as it encompassed it. The glow seemed to dim for a moment then pulse brighter as the field whined to compensate for whatever the thing was throwing off. Quickly activating her scanner Danni saw that it was emitting pulses of radiation throughout all the known bands of energy, including the hyper-bands normally associated with hyper-engine travel. It also seemed directed, pulsing out in a definite direction towards the stars.

"Crap!" she excalimed in anger. Distractly she recalled one other instance of discovery of a communications-like device on a cryslonite world, it was quickly contained with the high-tech the Company had provided but this was a University funded dig and could not afford the containment equipment of that caliber. She swore again as she turned up the field to full and pulled out her Comm as she turned to Xar.

Her attempt on communicating with the rest of the expidition died upon her breath as she saw exactly what was happening to Xar. He was staggering back and forth, literally taking one step forward and two steps backward, though she dimly realized that the backwards movement was lessening.

"Danni-friend.....{squawk}...Self can no longer control self's suit....{squark}....it seems.....alive?"...Xar's 'voice' went through many modulations as he tried to speak and the translator finally settled on a pitch and octive with the final word that Danni could only describe later as 'sinister'in its questioning tone, like something out of a pre-Federation holo-flick about men from New Mars.

Xar's body staggered forward and almost reached her before her paralysis broke, his clumsy hugging motion evaded as almost forgotten 'womens defense class' reactions kicked in. Her mother had made her take the Judo classes before she had attended the University on Imsk Prime, almost a lifetime ago it seemed now as her mind flashed random thoughts admist the chaos of what was happening to her. Taking Xar in a throw designed to use his weight and the suits mechanically enhanced strength against him she flipped him up and over. He landed a good distance away and began to struggle to his feet, the suits were notoriously hard to get back upright, almost turtle-like she mused distractedly.

The sudden pop-hiss of escaping air clairified her thoughts and brought her back to her current situation. The field sputtered off with a whine as it collapsed to nothingness, looking down towards the sphere also saved her life as she saw what was happening to her digging gloves. Made of heavy steel fiber they were enhanced with Nano-tech from the Company to give the wearer greater strength and endurance while in the field. While nowhere near as strong as Xar's suit they allowed her to dig through the hard packed ground here with ease. The hand that had touched Xar though was starting to glow green as well. With a curse she threw it off, being careful not to touch it , flinging it off as a child does a mitten after a day outside in the snow on her homeworld of Jotun (II).

Backing away from the glove and Xar her childhood memory was swiftly forgotten as Xar righted himself in a doglike fashion.

"Danni-friend......FLEE!" he shouted as his control on his translator finally gave, the voice becoming 'Not-Xar'with a finality that shook her to the core. Running for her life towards where the shuttle and hopeful safety lay Not-Xar's words rang after her.

"Cease motion humanoid. Stop and be evaluated for Assimilation.....Resistance...is Futile...."

The Beginnning???

Note, the above is rough, very rough. The Authour does indeed have a plan, whether it is a sound one is up to question. (and time permitting). But the idea popped into his head as he lay sleeping Last night. Hopefully this story turns out ok.


The happy go-lucky crew of the United Suns Federation Hermes Class Destroyer 'Javelin' in all thier glory....

[ November 06, 2003, 05:39: Message edited by: Deathstalker ]
We are all...the sum of our scars....(paraphrased) Matt. R. Stover-'Blade of Tyshalle'.

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Old November 3rd, 2003, 06:17 AM
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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Want this archived on SE.net in its Fan Fiction Archives?
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Old November 3rd, 2003, 09:59 AM
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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Nice read Deathstalker. Looking forward to more.
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Old November 3rd, 2003, 03:34 PM

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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Nice story. I'll be reading!
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Old November 6th, 2003, 07:31 AM
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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Civilizations in Ashes:

Chapter One: The Javelin

"Tac, damage report NOW!" shouted Icarus while he batted out the flames of the scanner attached to his chair with a much tattered uniform sleeve. While not exactly vain Icarus was a well dressed man, the Uniform of a Starship Captain of the United Suns Federation Navy was normally a blinding white, not the dingy grey that he now wore. Icarus found himself torn between which was bothering him the most right now, his uniform or the fact that the pair of Phong Heavy Cruisers were tearing his ship apart. The Javelin had lost most of its shields and the Phong's Shard Cannons were ripping right by her heavy armour with ease. He finally had the flames under control when Tac answered him, indignation filling her voice.

"Reports coming in now Captain! Engines one, three, and four are down and we've lost communications with sickbay, no idea what�s going on down there. Those Shard Cannons are tearing up Javelin pretty good!". Gavi 'Tac' Anderson kept tapping away at her Posts computer all the while as she kept the bridge constantly updated with the Javelins status. Her mess of mousey brown hair was shoved into her blue navy 'ball cap', all the rage these days since the new uniform of 'dress casual' had been introduced. Some bean counters idea of saving a few creds had actually caught on with the enlisted masses, the officers however still maintained the blinding white uniform in a most stubborn way. Her blue 'golf shirt' (gods know where that term came from, Icarus had never heard of something called 'golf' before.) was tucked into equally blue pants, at least they were navy blue he mused. Her emerald green eyes flicked to him for a second; seeming acknowledgement that yes they were 'in it deep this time' passing between them. Her face suddenly screwed up in a grimace (making her almost too snub nose twitch like a neo-rabbit he thought vaguely) as she sighed.

"Another thirty seconds for shields! They caught us with our collective pants down this time Captain!". she said before swiveling her chair and quickly tapping out firing patterns on her other tactical pad. The Phong heavy cruisers had come out of the Texrek/Gith-Yari wormhole almost directly on top of them, weapons live and shields up. They must have followed the Javelin through (probably coming out of the asteroid field, the crystalline makeup of the ships had helped them avoid the Javelins advanced sensor suite). Surprise had been total, Icarus didn�t know where pirates had gotten ahold of a pair of Phong heavy cruisers but the only alternative to that was that the Alliance had somehow broken down during their assignment. Something he believed was not even remotely possible.

�What weapons can you give me Gavi?? Can we even get a few shots off to get them to break off?� He started to sound annoyed, he hated being annoyed. It reminded him too much of his father �The Admiral� laying in such phrases as �never let them see you crack under pressure� when he was younger. Fifth generation Navy it was never really a question that he would command a Navy Starship. No matter what he really wanted.

�Targeting sensors are still down for the direct fire weapons, LRM�s aren�t in the tubes yet, give it fifteen seconds�.still out of SRM range�..I can give you decoy missiles and external racks, that�s about it.� She shouted over the pop of an exploding monitor, glass shards falling to the floor where some of the crew now lay unconscious or worse.

�Take whatever we�ve got and concentrate fire on the lead ship, set the decoy�s to sprint mode maybe they�ll think their actually full capital missiles long enough to break off!� Icarus ordered, glancing away from the closest body on the floor (his first officer, Halden Jakobstaad, the big chunk of metal protruding from his forehead making it well known the big Viking from Jotun was one of the �or worse� ones.).

�Birds away!� Tac exclaimed. The main view screen filled with trails of fire as the missiles sped towards their intended target. The vibration of the seekers launchers filled the ship as they entered sprint mode, decoy after decoy following the one shot external racks. The Phong ship made a sudden turn as the missiles entered point defense range, trying to present as little a target as possible while at the same time having all its point defense cannons coming to bear. The PDC cannons chewed through the decoy missiles like a scythe through wheat (or so Icarus imagined, he�d never actually seen a scythe, much less a wheat field.) and the external missiles escaped the cannons mostly unscathed. The first two missiles took the ship right on the �nose� (prow, gotta think prow his mind thought distantly.) explosions lighting up the view screen. The second two followed right into the already damaged shield screen, widening the �hole� in its field. (While great against energy weapons it had more difficulty blocking conventional ballistic weapons, one reason the navy continued to use so many missiles even in these times of massed point defense cannons on most ships.). The third missile was right on target and the ships prow caved in with the massive nuclear explosion of the third generation capital missile. Its bridge obviously damaged it began to list to one side.

�Sir, second ship has entered SRM range, LRMs are locked and shields are finally up!� Tac exclaimed with a whoop, her enthusiasm getting the better of her.

�Fire at will!� Icarus ordered with determination in his voice. Damned if they�d take his ship down without a fight. He turned to order helm to close range at all possible speed and that�s when Halden sat straight up and turned to him, speaking the words he would remember as the beginning of the nightmare.

�Captain!� Halden said, his booming voice cutting over everything in the bridge and bringing quiet to everything (well, except for the pop-hiss of cooking circuits.)

�Um�.Hal�..you�re supposed to be dead right now��� Icarus said mildly.

�Sorry Captain, but we�re picking up unknown movement ahead, something is bearing down on us fast and sensors don�t know what the heck it is.� The big man said, looking all the more worried as the shard of metal and the blood covering his face began to fade away as the Neural Net combat computer suddenly disengaged.

�What do we have Tac?� Icarus gazed out on his fully functional �first generation� battle bridge as his crew began to orient themselves after the shock of the training session suddenly ending, their headaches would be nasty later as would his. Abee floated beside his helm controls, the EEE looking as he/she/it usually did, unfazed by anything (the only time Icarus had seen Abee literally turn a shade of red was with that Drushocka ship incident years ago.) Halden had taken his place at his command screen, the big redhead looking every inch the Viking his ancestors had been when the settled the system of Jotun. Ready, almost too ready, to take Icarus�s place in the event he was incapacitated. A gentle nudge at the back of his mind alerted him that the ships doctor (and resident CueCappa) was ready (dammit, he was going to have to get Xistos to use the comm one of these days, it was a little too disconcerting when he touched minds directly to a lot of the crew, including him! Little Xistos understood that though). He was just beginning to feel fully in control again when Exor Farl spoke softly behind him.

�Remember Captain, our mission is to guard the convoy till it reaches Gith-Yari (I), not �explore strange new worlds and phenomena� as you like to quote�. Farl said with a hint of pensiveness.

Icarus hid a frown as he regarded the company (usually referred to as �The Company�) representative assigned to him by Admiralty for the duration of this mission. Officially the Javelin was on convoy duty, guarding the four Company transports as they made their way toward the Gith-Yari system and the newly discovered wealth of Cryslonite artifacts on Gith-Yari I. The University people were going to throw a fit when they found out the Company wanted to stick its already stained fingers in yet another pie. Unofficially they were also out here to test out the Javelins new systems out of the range of any prying eyes, the two Phong heavy cruisers were out to help with that very test in getting the Neural Net combat computers to work right. They simulated combat all right and helped a great deal with the new battlebridge in coordinating the ships systems with minimal bridge staffing but caused massive headaches and fatigue afterward in most of the humanoid crew, the EEE, CueCappa and Phong however seemed to be immune.

Farl slid closer and Icarus found that the frown had actually transferred to his face when he swung to confront the irksome Urkra-Tal. Farl was typical for his race in that he looked exactly like a slug would look if it was over five feet tall and stood upright. His mass of tentacles clung to a staff that helped to keep him upright and his eyes started to protrude out on their stalks as his irritation began to show with Icarus. The Urkra-Tal were an incredibly rich race, having massive knowledge of organic technology and bio-engineering as well as vast business holdings made them both a political and economic force to be reckoned with in the Inner Systems even though they boasted a somewhat less than stellar naval force.

�Captain�� Farl began again but was interrupted by Gavi.
�The signature is bearing straight for us, about five standard minutes away and long range scans can�t make heads or tails of it�.all they know is that it is big�.very big.� She said in worried tones.

�I think that the decision is taken out of our hands Mr. Farl as its going to find us no matter what we do, the convoy is too slow to evade something that big and fast, so lets just prepare for the�..�, Icarus was going to finish off with �worst� when alarm klaxons that he had never hoped to hear went off around him.

�Captain!� Hal shouted. �Organic Wormhole Signature directly ahead of us�.no make that TWO of them!�

�Grife! Battle stations people! It must have been a lure! Tac! Comm the Phong, tell them we�ve got Monsters inbound! And Farl, you and I are going to have a long talk afterward if we live as to why our sensors didn�t detect them earlier dammit!� Icarus finished off with a snarl as he turned back to the main viewscreen and the first of the two creatures came through the swiftly collapsing wormholes.

They looked like gigantic squids, which were if squids could be the size of a Krill battlecruiser and twice as mean. No one really knew where they came from or how they even came to exist (some thought they were Company experiments gone wrong but records of sightings dated far back before the Company even existed.) All that was known was that there were several varieties (from the smaller Amoeba type to the gigantic ones that looked like giant jellyfish.) and they could somehow make their own stable wormholes (and close them too.) and they were just plain predators attacking anything they met up with be it ship or planetary settlement.

�Sir, the Phong are going to be a little while�.the sudden disengagement of the Neural Net fried some of their computers�..give them about six minutes.� Tac said with her exasperation showing, the Phong tech was always failing at the worst of moments (their organic/crystalline computer chips were so darn fussy!).

Icarus sighed and started giving orders to engage the first of the beasts in what he believed was going to be the start of a long day��.
We are all...the sum of our scars....(paraphrased) Matt. R. Stover-'Blade of Tyshalle'.

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Old November 6th, 2003, 03:03 PM

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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Here there be monsters...what mod are you using, Deathstalker?
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Old November 6th, 2003, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

I'm using bits and pieces from the mods I like best, as well as 'artistic liscense' (that means I can make up what I want to explain things away...kinda like Trek techno-babble ). Mainly Devnull and parts of my old D-Mod and stock se4 for the races (with much more 'fleshing out' than their general descriptions.) The fun thing is that of right now I just kinda stare at the screen and it just 'pours out'. Very little preparation, the story is kinda just telling itself and I'm the guide right now. Should be a fun ride
We are all...the sum of our scars....(paraphrased) Matt. R. Stover-'Blade of Tyshalle'.

Human existance is all imagination...Reality is no more than a simple agreement among its participants that this is where we shall meet, and these are the rules that we shall abide by.- Kevin McCarthy/David Silva The Family:Special Effects..

Long Live the Legion!!-Comic book fandom...
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Old November 6th, 2003, 04:36 PM

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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Originally posted by Deathstalker:
I'm using bits and pieces from the mods I like best, as well as 'artistic liscense' (that means I can make up what I want to explain things away...kinda like Trek techno-babble ). Mainly Devnull and parts of my old D-Mod and stock se4 for the races (with much more 'fleshing out' than their general descriptions.) The fun thing is that of right now I just kinda stare at the screen and it just 'pours out'. Very little preparation, the story is kinda just telling itself and I'm the guide right now. Should be a fun ride
I hear ya! Makes it easy, doesn't it? The game guides the story, and you fill in the rest!
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Old November 7th, 2003, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Hey a while back we had a member who wrote a few books and I stumbled accrossed his web site today. He has a lot of very useful writers resource links there.


and also a link to

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Old November 7th, 2003, 06:41 PM

sachmo sachmo is offline
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Default Re: OT: Story Thread: Giants Awakening. NEW CHAPTER!

Originally posted by Atrocities:
Hey a while back we had a member who wrote a few books and I stumbled accrossed his web site today. He has a lot of very useful writers resource links there.


and also a link to

Thanks! Interesting links.
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