Hi Grand Deceiver I received your PM regarding AI Troop Production seems high in AIC.
Heres the Short answer, the long answer will require about an hour or more for me to prepare.
First of all we Human Players may build more then
100 Infantry per turn at your Home World from go; that would be 1000 plus units in the first 10 turns.
Whether we decide to or not is up to us, we may prefer building a few Scouts then a BSY then bang out Colonizers one after another as the original BSY upgrades to level 3 so it may build the next BSY (lvl 1) for just a few turns to be upgraded to level 3 to build yet another BSY� Opps I am getting ahead of myself� Well any way we usually desire not to build the 1000 troops early when there is no clear and present danger and why, we can build them when they are at a higher caliber
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Let us take the Terrens.
The first 10 turns they will build units as to defend them selfs from a quick strike from any other players.
That unit make up is about
738 Infantry at Level I = MILITIA
6 Weapons Platforms at Level I = Missiles
The AI Players should not and can not wait for a higher caliber; it needs to protect itself early. As
Cyrien posted the AI does not scrap the old units.
However, the AI does refresh the Infantry by loading the lower level units in there Troop Ships and this Infantry MUST and WILL be replaced as per the Unit File Rules; hense now even more units to the total
This same replenishments applies for Mines, Sats and Carrier Fighters if the Files are set and in the respective Folders and the Research is timely so this replenishment will exceed a higher caliber and opps starting to ramble again
= = =
That�s it, as you can see you can out build this AI if you choose however as Oleg says (When do you wish to do this). For example if you are playing with no HP options and you (Hold off) on the infantry then when it comes time to invest in Infantry you may have 30 Star liners and 50 Combat Vessels and 6 Support Vessels active along with 5 BYS and a Repair Station. At the Colonies: You may building a Bio Hospital, 4 Urban Settlements and in the middle of upgrading a few Cities, setting out new expeditions, so what do you do then?
It now Choice time...
+ + +
That was the Short Version the Long Version would require you to grab the flashlight, roll up your sleeves and join me under the hood; so we can see what this baby can do.
[ October 27, 2003, 17:34: Message edited by: JLS ]