I am sorry, but I have to ask this question.
Did you download the AST mod or just the patch?
The full Version of the AST mod is v1.8 at this time, and is about 33 Megs.
http://astmod.com on the left hand side menu on the top.
The patch is about 2.5 Megs and does not include any AI files.
I have play tested the mod and aside from the Point Defense Cannon error, thank you for this bug report, I did not get any other errors.
In the mod only the Klingons and Romulans have access to Cloaking technology. In the TechArea.txt there is no Cloaking technology posted and in all of the AI Research.txt documents all references to cloaking technology have been removed.
If you have the full mod and are getting this error, then I most definitely am missing something.
Again you help is appreciated.