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Old June 7th, 2003, 09:59 AM
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Default need input about SE game :)

I think this is going to be my most interesting and engrossing SE game ever !
It deserves a story, but I am not a good writer and English is not my native language.

Anyway, this is a solo AIC game. AI has low bonus. My race is Atrocity' Pandorian with Temporal trait.
Our home system is good, with a promising planet just few kilometers away


But best is yet to come. The only warp point leads to the Centurian system with Rock Oxygen planet !
Is it our ancestars homeworld ? (just check Pandorians history..)


The scout goes to the next system. And what do we see ? Another Centurian system !! CO2 planet though.


We keep exploring. First contact in the system connected to second Centurian.


Jraenar homeworld is nearby. This month the first colony ship is constructed back home.
Should I colonize a planet in the home system ? Should I send it to the closest Centarian, learn
Secrets of Ancients and claim our birthgiven home ? Or should I send it far, to the
second Centarian, in the doomed expedition with the sole purpose to deny Jraenar the
spoils of Centarian ? They will certainly try to colonise it soon. This game looks to become a
very good role gaame. I keep save file, if anybody want to play it or even better to write a story,
I can post it here.
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Old June 7th, 2003, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

No help yet So I proceeded with the game and kept a savegame file

But the plot thickens. After a long deliberation I decided to be prudent and colonize the home system planet first. i was damn right ! remember the small greeny unexplored warmhole in the first Centarian system ? Our second scout warp it and was splashed with alien blood ! It is a battlefield between X'Chung and Praetorians :


Forget about the Second Centarian, securing the first one will be a Hergulian dead. We coiled back building some ships needed for Cent.I coloniztion then... Disaster
Our first and only colony rebelled ! Bastards !!Bloody colonials !!! No respect to the Master ! "No taxation without representation", sort of, and here we are - the radioactive storagies are cut off (Hmmm... may be THAT was the cause of rebellion - I only build Plutonium warehouses and no hospitals ) As a compensation, Praetorins made Trade Alliance. What they are up to, schemers


Never mind, 4 months later rebellion quashed. We are united again and finally ready to go to stars


Ohh, it's getting better and better. Another slime threaten us. Surely, this is the best solo SE game ever


We must send some kamikadze colonists to Centarian II before it is too late. That colony will be most certainly doomed...

Anybody wants the savegame at this point ?
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
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Old June 7th, 2003, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

Don't forget to tell us what tech you find in the ruins, when you colonize that world !
Have you ever had... the sudden feeling... that God is out to GET YOU?
Well, my girl dumped me and I'm stuck with the raftmates from Hell in the middle of the sea and... what was the question again???
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Old June 7th, 2003, 06:47 PM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

I would love to write a story about this game, just a problem. Atrocities is already writing a story as the Pandorans and it might confuse people. What Mod are you playing btw? or is standard SEIV. If i was going to write a story you'd have to save the game files every turn though and send it to me, and it might be a bit of a hassle for you

But if we can work round this and you can think of a different race to be i'd be hounoured to write a story about this great game!
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Old June 7th, 2003, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

The bounty of plenty.

Cenarian I lived to the expectations !
I will give Nobel prizes to one and every scientists of the expedition.
They discovered -
Chemistry I - Yeahhh !
Repair I - bleahh, only 2K
Applied Intelligence 1 - Oh, baby ! Groovy..
Mines 1 - OK, but AIC mines 1 are cheap.
Resupply 1 - Got to be good, now I have nice and (almost) useless ship component
Weapon Platforms 2 - Feel lucky today, your punk I? Yes !!! The biigest gun so far
Astrophycs 1 - Fly away, you' solar Eagle..
Combat support 2 - now I'm here, now I'm not

A year later, another colony ship arrives to Centarian 2. it is much more cryptic now.
Some kind of neurolical inteface device but it needs some study back home (ancient tech in AIC is different from stock SE)

several years past. My only allies - Praetorians, are having
big troubles with Xi'Chung. Here you can see how the tide of war is turning.
just right from Centarian I, the scene:


Two turns before I noticed the destruction of 30 Praetorin ships according the the "compare" window.
I can only pray Xi'Chung won't be bored and divert some fleets to my space.
We are going bust in minerals. maintanance is just too high. So, the defence must be relied on units - fighters and
weapon platforms. After several uneventual years, Centarian I has 200 fighters and Centarian II about 100 - limited by cargo capacity.

Star liners are moving people around and carriers (based on small transport hull) ship fighters to the frontier.
All is well. Suddenly, Cue Cappa colonize the system just left of Centarian 2. It is now in the range of enemy fleet !
Good news - C.C. asks for trade alliance (accepted of course)
Bad news - C.C. have military alliance with Jaraenar who turned murderous
against us. I commit ships in Centarian 2 to probe the space left from us. IT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD.


And so it proved.


All ships are dead, no damage to Jraenar ships whatsoever and Centarian 2 is exposed to the invasion...
(you may notice I just discovered destroyers, very late by SE norms, but it is AIC mod, it is just _slightly_ different
And so comes our fate. Powerfull enemies at left and right, no minerals to build new ships
Millions of helpless people looking anxiosly to the skies - Is it a relief force and xenocidal aliens ?

Or, yes, I almost forgot - another piece of Intergalagtic news some time ago


Truly, this is one heck of the game
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Old June 7th, 2003, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)


It is AI Compain mod 3.10 game - AI is _very_ tough indeed. Not even like TDM suckers . I play simultaneos turns (no tactical combat - just to help AI even more). Thus, keeping track of safe games is problematic. But I do my best

I would be very, very happy if you write the story of this epochial (sp. ?) game. It really desrves it. It may be best if you just load one of my earlier save games (turn 14 is best) - when I made the first contact - and play by yourself from that point. Write the story of your game and disregard my path to the world domination.

All you need is AIC 3.00 (sorry, no link at hand ) and Pundorian ship set, installed in the AI Compain/pictures/races folder.

Here is the link to my savegames. You should unzip it into AI Compain/savegame folder.


Have fun, I certainly do Good Jraenar is Dead Jaraenar
And if you are going to play this game - please do, I really like it! - disregard my Posts completely - It SHALL be all different once you made your own decision


Actully, when I first colonized Centarian I, I got Ice colony colonization. It was too good to my test, I don't want to spoil the game by cheep advances,, so I reloaded game from turn 14 and get more "reasonable" tech.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
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Old June 7th, 2003, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

Oh, about confusion with "official" Pandoran history:
I don't think Atrocities will complain, right

The set up and lay out of the game is simply perfect. But you can rename the race of course.

[ June 07, 2003, 18:32: Message edited by: oleg ]
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
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Old June 7th, 2003, 07:30 PM

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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

Well i have trouble against the tdm modpack so i was going to do the game you're playing lol. But if you post the save games every once in a while i'll write about your game perhaps

[ June 07, 2003, 18:35: Message edited by: Senator Raging Deadstar ]
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Old June 7th, 2003, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

YES !!!
Please, write you story !
I would be very interested if you start from one of the save games. If not, I'll try to supply you with save games. But it certainly more interesting to you if you play by yourself.
The game setup is juct damn perfect.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
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Old June 7th, 2003, 07:39 PM
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Default Re: need input about SE game :)

Originally posted by Senator Raging Deadstar:
Well i have trouble against the tdm modpack so i was going to do the game you're playing lol. But if you post the save games every once in a while i'll write about your game perhaps
AI Compain games are different. They are not more difficult or too easy. They are just... different. Try it and have fun.

I'll keep the track of my game anyway.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
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