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Old September 15th, 2002, 03:45 PM
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Default How to edit/create EMP files

I'm assuming that the emp files are the race characteristics/traits for each empire. However, when I open them with notepad they are obviously not a simple text file. I want to create my own race (stealing some ship files from another race) and I want the load the default characteristics from the file.

BTW, I'm generally using the proportions mod if this helps any.

Along the same lines, where do I modify the game defaults for starting a new game. I thought they would be in the settings.txt file (and some are) but things like default number of starting worlds, victory conditions, racial points don't seem to be listed there. Are these hard coded and have to be changed each time?

[ September 15, 2002, 15:01: Message edited by: nitey ]
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Old September 15th, 2002, 04:10 PM
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Default Re: How to edit/create EMP files

Originally posted by nitey:

Are these hard coded and have to be changed each time?
As far as I know, Yes.

As far as editing an emp file I think the only way to do this is in the game. Load the emp file and change it, then save it. I don't think it's possible to get the ship designs from another file. If you wanted to save some ship designs you would have to start a new game on high tech, design them and then save the empire file in game.

[ September 15, 2002, 15:11: Message edited by: DavidG ]
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Old September 15th, 2002, 05:13 PM

Elowan Elowan is offline
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Default Re: How to edit/create EMP files

Originally posted by DavidG:
As far as editing an emp file I think the only way to do this is in the game. Load the emp file and change it, then save it. I don't think it's possible to get the ship designs from another file. If you wanted to save some ship designs you would have to start a new game on high tech, design them and then save the empire file in game.
The latter point is one of my pet peeves. I'd like to be able to have an editable text file that includes my ship designs as well as my Fill Queues so that they can be transferred from game to game. MM needs to consider that many of us do not play PBW. Since the emp file is encrypted and includes all the basic empire stuff including starting conditions - cheating would still be avoided.
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