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Old December 24th, 2013, 02:26 PM

carp carp is offline
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Default need help starting game

Okay, I've been around a long time. I don't speak computerese. I just want to play the game, not learn how the game works. I have bought both SPMBT and SPWW2 on disc. I play them on my desktop with no issues. I'm trying to get the games to run on my Dell laptop. It is an XPS M1730 with 4g ram and an intel duo cpu 2.5 ghz with a 32 bit OS, Win 7.

Beyond that I don't know except it's a NVidea G-force 8700 GM.

The problem is the game runs, kind of (both games) in Windows mode I can get scrolling and reasonable movement of pieces. When a piece is fired on it is extremely slow motion. If smoke comes in there will be a long pause, an explosion and then a couple of seconds later the puff of smoke appears.

If I run the game in full-screen it scrolls about ten hexes, stops for a half-second or so, then scrolls 10 more, stopss and on and on.

The game is installed in the separate directory. Can I get some help without having to learn the intricacies of computer programming? I just bought the games to play/

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Old December 25th, 2013, 04:53 AM

KAreil KAreil is offline
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Default Re: need help starting game


Have you read the sticky post about " Windows Vista and Windows Seven Installation" ?

A sure reason for not working on Win7 machines is installing the game into the default "C:\Program Files" folder.

Best Regards and Merry Christmas!
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Old December 25th, 2013, 07:44 AM
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Default Re: need help starting game

Play with the misc tab settings in the GameOptions launcher
1) Graphic delay - reduce this by about half, see what happens, reduce further if required
2) Unit Move Delay - ditto for faster troop movement sequences
3) Also - you may want to play with the map scroll speed settings.

Turning Sound off may help on a slow machine (which laptops tend to be compared with desktops):
A) Switch Interface Mouse click to OFF in the gameoptions misc tab
B) Enter the game and in the preferences screen - switch BATTLE FX and SOUND FX off as well
If that helps speed things up - your sound system is a problem (in some manner) and so you should investigate its options before turning sound back on.

Also - you may want to play with message delay in the game preferences, reducing it perhaps (mine is at about the bottom of the scale)

And also - if your laptop has shared graphics memory, then investigate allocating more memory to the video card in its setup menu. Also look at the various settings to see if hardware acceleration is turned on (it might not be!). See your video card's help for that.

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Old June 26th, 2020, 08:02 PM

carp carp is offline
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Default Re: need help starting game

The real secret to getting them to work on a laptop was ditching the Dell. I have a Toshiba now Running Win10 that has been stripped back to Win7 and there are few issues. Microsoft and Dell can stop improving their systems now.
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