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Old March 7th, 2013, 09:42 PM
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Confused Formations, Reaction Turns, and Staying Put

In my current reading, I came across a thread dated in 2005 on Reaction Turn as a way to force AI formations to remain on a hex. Further reading in the current WinSPMBT manual, I find that Reaction Turn 98 will result in a formation staying put. Unfortunately, I have had less than desirable results.

I have an AI advance scenario with all Victory Flags allocated to the human player. Further, I set the Reaction Turn to 98 for a Motorized Infantry Platoon. Interestingly, the vehicles remained in place while the infantry sections advanced.

It is not interesting to set an infantry section at speed 0. I have found that the unit does not fight. While playing with this problem, I set waypoints equal to the game length to the unit's hex. Alas! However, after five or so turns, the unit advanced. Ugh! So, I am turning to the community for a step-by-step tutorial on how to enable formations to remain in place.
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Old March 9th, 2013, 07:09 AM
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Default Re: Formations, Reaction Turns, and Staying Put

Units given waypoints will advance 2 way points per turn and stop just before entering the 3rd waypoint hex.

If you place multiple waypoints in a hex (say 9) when a unit enters that hex it will have "crossed" 9 waypoints and move freely for three turns before turning toward the hex that has waypoint 10.

As to getting AI units to "say put" the best solution I've found is to set them as reinforcements on whatever turn you wan them to start moving. Hardly optimal, but it works. Keep in mind if AI controlled units "see" any player controlled unit all bets are off concerning staying in place (unless it's a defend scenario).
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Old March 15th, 2013, 04:31 AM

Kurt Montandon Kurt Montandon is offline
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Default Re: Formations, Reaction Turns, and Staying Put

Originally Posted by shahadi View Post
I have an AI advance scenario with all Victory Flags allocated to the human player. Further, I set the Reaction Turn to 98 for a Motorized Infantry Platoon. Interestingly, the vehicles remained in place while the infantry sections advanced.
Try using a regular infantry platoon, with no associated vehicles, then buying APCs separately and positioning them nearby as though they were part of the same unit (you could even rename them as appropriate).

Then set the Infantry Platoon to Reaction Turn 98.
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Old March 15th, 2013, 05:51 AM
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Default Re: Formations, Reaction Turns, and Staying Put

This is the best / only way to get some control over mech formations as both can be given seperate commands, the vehicles will still load infantry if they get to close however.

If you really want to try getting control but it effects rally split them into teams.
i.e 4 squad or vehicle platoon buy in 2 pairs of 2 by either making your own formations or assigning spare units to a redundant formation for deletion.

You can now do overwatch with them one pair moving only one hex one turn while the other moves further & vica versa.
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