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Old August 10th, 2011, 08:08 AM
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Question Crown icons on map?

The map of a privately hosted MP game shows 5 little golden crown icons, despite standard victory conditions. Why and what do they mean? Do they act like temples if shown?

Usually these crowns stand for victory points, but we have standard victory - and the enabled score graphs have no section for victory points either, indicating that we did not accidentally enable victory points.
(BTW, is there a way to review all game settings as a participating player, once the game has started?)

Also, I am aware that some maps have predefined victory points, but the choosen map does not have victory points preset - at least not in local games versus AI. The map is "Streamlands", albeit not the one attached to the thread dedicated to this map, but a supposedly newer version linked by its creator at the end of the first post.

So can anyone shed some light on the issue? If the crowns are displayed, will they also function and spread dominion for their owner (like in Dom2 - I am new to Dom3), or are they just a glitch to be ignored?
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Old August 10th, 2011, 10:36 AM

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Default Re: Crown icons on map?

They are victory points, and they spread dominion as normal. However, they don't contribute towards victory (for your case when using standard victory conditions), so their presence is to some extent an anomaly.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 12:09 PM
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Question Re: Crown icons on map?

Thanks for the clarification!
Apparently our server used an old version of the map that contains victory points.

Is it possible to just update a map-file during an ongoing game, or will this cause "Something went wrong"-errors?
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crowns, maps, question, victory points

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