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Old June 25th, 2008, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

I can only agree that Cyclops, Gorgon, etc. should be considered Titans to avoid making too many categories. But this leads us to understanding that some Titans are more titanic than others. (Moloch & Prince of Death I would make into their own category, being as they are demon & undead, respectively, but that's just me). I would also include here Allfather, though he can also be considered/used as Rainbow Pretender.
Currently I also think that most of them are only useful as imprisoned blessers. Exceptions were mostly already mentioned: Gorgon, Father of Winter, maybe Cyclops & four-armed ones. These can be quite useful SCs.
There are also those which provide luck or other general bonuses. For now I have found them not very useful even in SP (but I didn't try all). The one from this category who is useful is Forge Lord - and he is also fair blesser and possible candidate for SC duty after he makes necessary items for this.
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Old June 25th, 2008, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

I take one occasionally just for flavor. In fact, I have one now. It gets boring playing either a cyclops or prince of death all the time. Sometimes I just say, screw the points, I want a big, zeus-like god roaming the battlefield. Of course, I rarely actually use them in battle... they're too fragile.
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Old June 25th, 2008, 09:48 PM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

I have used a few Titans in MP that worked quite well.

For EA TC I used an awake Lady of fortune. Dom6, S6, W4. The extra good events she generated was nice to off-set the misfortune 2 I picked. Just about the time I had Const 4 and Alt 3 researched I was attacked by my neighbor, Ctiss.
The right equipment (which TC can make almost all of except blood) and the right buffs and the pretender pretty much won the war for me. Later in the game, the S6 proved very useful when fighting Oceanus and Caelum who had little access to Astral and I stole a few of their armies with Master/enslave from the pretender who was boosted to S9 with ring of wizardry, ring of sorcery, starshine cap. Add in a spellbreaker wand (which again TC can easily make)
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Old June 25th, 2008, 09:55 PM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

Lingchih said:
Sometimes I just say, screw the points, I want a big, zeus-like god roaming the battlefield.
Here here !!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
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Old June 25th, 2008, 09:56 PM

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Default Re: Titan pretenders

I may be the exceptions to most of the sentiment here. I generally use Titan chassis when they have the bless I want. I tend to use one full bless and a Minor one. For example, generally when I play the Tuatha I use a Lord of the Forest or a Great Mother for their picks and the ability they can have to get me into Higher Earth magic. They both make a good battle combination for buffing Later game. The hit points really make them useful even if the size can be a danger for targeting.

Overall I feel that I use "titan" chassis more than most people and it makes the game a lot more fun even if its not always the most optimal. But there have been many cases where this big god protects me when a smaller pretender could not do the job. So overall I am happy with the choice.
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Old June 25th, 2008, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

Thanks for the clarification Edi!

With your reasoning, I can understand why they are classified as they are. Though, I would possibly recommend that Old Man of the Sea actually be in Titan as well, because all of the old god types seem to end up there, and he is kind modeled after Poseidon, no?
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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:59 AM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

Old Man of the Sea and Lord of the Waves would be titans if they had full horseman slots (i.e. 2 hand, head, body, 2 misc), but they and the mothere of monsters are missing the body slot, which is in my opinion a significant handicap. So they are monsters like the Scorpion King, unless the pathcost is 30 or less (Old Man, Mother of Monsters) to make them a rainbow.

I just noticed that Allfather is also a rainbow pretender due to pathcost.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 03:11 AM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

Ah okay, so you are classifying them purely by functionality then. Makes sense, and leaves me nothing to say but thanks again.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 03:43 AM

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Default Re: Titan pretenders

I always thought 20 or less was contingent for rainbow classification.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 04:03 AM
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Default Re: Titan pretenders

That's up to personal preference. I chose 30, because all the units that have pathcost 30 already have at least two paths so adding a couple more low level ones isn't too expensive. But it is arbitrarily chosen. It could be 20 and it would be no problem.

A note about the Lawgiver: Listed as Rainbow despite pathcost 50 due to having a physical rainbow chassis and 3 paths to start with. Otherwise it would not fit in any category.
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