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Old July 24th, 2007, 06:31 PM

Warhammer Warhammer is offline
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

Kind of related...

This 4th of July we had a party at the house. A friend had brought some watermelon and was looking for a knife to cut it with. He wanted the biggest knife we had, but my wife kept on giving him the small ones.

Finally, he said, "I want the knife that you would go after your husband with, if he was having an affair and you found out about it."

"Oh! You mean THIS knife!"
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Old July 24th, 2007, 06:51 PM
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

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Old July 24th, 2007, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

Did she throw it across the room and stick it in something? That would have been perfect to go with "this knife".

In my house a suggestion like that would be very dangerous. We have 3 throwers. And the house is full of fantasy blades from dagger to swords. Too many to properly display.
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Old September 23rd, 2007, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

I'm ressurecting this thread because I started a game as MA C'tis and I'm having trouble using the assassins for anything other than very expensive scouts.

My first question is, what set of circumstances would you employ an assassin rather than a mind hunt/thug/SC/etc.? There are so many options in the game, and I'm just not seeing where the assassin comes in.

Second question, is it worth giving them any equipment to speak of? I think flying boots are pretty much required, but even then the empoisoner's from C'tis are not very successful. I got the national hero assassin, and gave him a longbow of accuracy and 2 +attack rings. He had 36 attack, and against an indy mounted commander, he fired two shots that either missed or failed their attack roll, then got killed in one hit.

If you don't equip your assassins I can't imagine what a viable target might be. For instance, anyone that can summon usually kills you, which is basically death mages, air mages, elemental mages with gems, etc. Against priests, I get smitten about 50% of the time but I guess those aren't terrible odds. I can kill most of the indy commanders (with the notable exception above), but if that's all the assassin is good for then they're not worth recruiting.

Then of course there's the problem of not being able to pick your target, so any nation that "could" have any of the above in the province is asking your assassin to take on a suicide mission.

Is there anyone with fairly extensive knowledge of assassination that would be willing to share?
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Old September 24th, 2007, 12:00 AM
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

Is this for MP or Single Player?
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Old September 24th, 2007, 12:10 AM

Frostmourne27 Frostmourne27 is offline
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

sector24 said:


I got the national hero assassin, and gave him a longbow of accuracy and 2 +attack rings. He had 36 attack, and against an indy mounted commander, he fired two shots that either missed or failed their attack roll, then got killed in one hit.


Ranged weapons are affected by the prescision stat, not attack. Try forging an eye of aiming instead. (Don't equip two - you go blind)
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Old September 24th, 2007, 08:59 AM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

Generally, when I've found assassins most useful, I've went for quantity, not quality. As Atlantis, 5 Tupilaks a turn can mess with an opponent's plan. As a nation who can recruit assassins, I think the key is not to use them to soon. Once you start using them, your enemy gets cautious and careful with bodyguards. Instead, try to gather five or ten to a key province, depending on your economy and number of target provinces.

Key provinces... research centers, if you can take em all out. Armies sieging one of your castles (any units dedicated to patrols are NOT tearing down your walls. Best yet, assassinate as many leaders of an invading army as you can while your army is nearby. If they're light on spares, then you'll split their forces in two. And if you're attacking that province (with a scout, even, and the rest of their forces moved out) the unled troopers left behind will rout and scatter further.

After you do this, the bodyguards will be on hand, so it better be a critical moment, unless you have super powered assassins. You sometimes can still assassinate after this, but your loss rate will be higher. With capital only assassins...

One of the more overkill, but effective asssassins I've seen. Only once, for some reason. I don't think you need to go this far.
Now, as you're playing Ctis, you'll probably be facing some priests, since skellyspam is expected. I don't suggest the following tactic once your up against player nations. A Skull Talisman can give that indy mounted commander a couple other things to charge. It gives you one skeletal bodyguard and lets you summon additional ones for 5 fatigue. Script a couple casts, then attack as normal. (You don't want to cast only, or else you'll be out of luck when facing a priest)

A few Empoisoner ideas
D2 Spells castable with gems (pref), or boosters.
Disintegrate (alt 8) (prec 100) + penetration items like Eye of the Void
Raise Skeletons/Dead (ench 3)
N2 spells as above
Storm of Thorns (evo 7) - enough projectiles you might actually hit something, especially if you have the time to cast Eagle Eye (Agartha, Abysia, slow races w/o cavalry)
Sleep Cloud Evo3, Sleep Thau2. (cloud Forty-six fatigue approximates -4 def, -2 attack for them, whereas you get a -2, -1 penalty. If you can hit them several times, sleep. Perhaps summoned skeletons to tie them up? (regular 110 fatigue equals sleeping target. First problem is its single target, second problem is that both sleep spells can be resisted by MR- not a good thing at all, though with astral randoms comes penetration items.

Untouchable Miasma of Death (construction four)
Snake Bladder Stick
Raw Hide Shield
Cat Charm
Scripts - Attack
Defense - 20
Total Nature Gems - 20

This build is uncomplicated and pretty effective. The high defense means most crappy bodyguards can't touch you while the area-affect poison works.

Ironically, wild carnivorous lizardmen can take you down. They tend to bodyguard their shaman, and have two attacks per warrior, meaning -4 def per attacker. Be careful around them, and avoid them if you skipped the Cat Charm.
If you're on a budget, you can just equip the Raw Hide Shield (con 0, 5 gems). It'll let you keep and use both your weapons. Equip two shields and you get a Useless Kick, though you can still spellcast and sling. A Thorny Staff will get you slightly better defense as well as some extra attack, but has its own downsides.

On the other hand, if you want to scale up, there's the Vine Shield, Totem Shield, and Eye Shield, all of which also have zero defense and encumbrance penalties.

There are other things to consider, such as Skullface, and Wraith Crown, if you've got to many gems for your own good, and theres' a lot out there depending on what independents you find.

The most absurd, but mildly plausible combination I can imagine involves (The Ankh - automatic life after death), Carcator the Pocket Lich, Sandals of the Crane (blink), Wraith Crown, Robe of Missile Protection, Treelord's Staff.
Script? Creeping Doom for 70+ ants.

I'm tempted to actually put this together just to see what kind of zombie, if any, 70 ants make.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 10:44 AM

Archonsod Archonsod is offline
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

One handy thing I tend to find with assassins is giving them items which will cause problems in your opponent's territories too. A bane venom charm (or the sword with a similar effect) which causes disease and poison, if wielded by a suitably immune assassin, can be neat. You can do the same thing with a scout, however if your assassin can take out commanders too you can prevent portions of his army leaving the province for a couple of turns.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 04:41 PM
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Default Re: A hell of a waste of gems

"Ranged weapons are affected by the prescision stat, not attack. Try forging an eye of aiming instead. (Don't equip two - you go blind)"

Hah! User error, please replace user and press any key. This kind of thing happens to me all the time, the game is way too complicated to play casually but I like it all the same. The only reason I gave him all that stuff was because I stole it from Bogus and his merry band of misfits. Basically every new game shows me how little I know about the underlying mechanics of the game.

lazy_perfectionist, thanks for the in depth post. I definitely need more practice with assassins, but usually a fight starts with the opponent casting raise dead, phantasmal warrior, etc. and it's already over unless I summon an equal or greater amount of chaff.

It seems to me that with the dizzying amount of options available in the game, I could do better with a Wraith Lord, Mind Hunting, etc. I see that there are a few situations in which an assassin is a unique answer to the problem at hand, but would I have 5 well equipped assassins in the right place at the right time? Probably not.

One last question; how easily are assassins killed on the world map? Does the fact that the assassin is sitting in an enemy controlled province give him/her any protection from Mind Hunting and similar spells? Basically are assassin's reusable or is killing an enemy commander the equivalent of a death sentence?
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Old September 24th, 2007, 05:31 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Assassination n00b.

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
Thanks for the answers.

Here's a couple of tees celebrating the honored ninja.
Sorry im late to the thread. Don't buy tees from Dirty Microbe! They are a scam.
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