KraMax said:
To increase quantity slots in Russian OOB I suggest to unite some kinds of the weapon: <<SNIP>>
Maxim, go back and re-read post #503229. Read it carefully. I was quite serious when I wrote it and it applies today as much as it did then
Part of the problem with all these ideas is a lack of understanding of HOW THE GAME WORKS. Do you know what happens when a weapon is changed Maxim ??? Every unit that uses that weapon is changed as well so erasing weapon X ( maybe it's a Bow MG for example ) and replacing it with something else ( lets say it's an ATGM ) means that EVERY unit in the OOB with that old weapon will suddenly have the NEW weapon.
OK fine..... we have MOBHack utilities to track them down and change them to something more suitable in the weapons list but EVERY sceanrio that uses the nation with the change has to be checked because the sceanrio saves the
ORIGINAL weapon slot information about the unit......OK ??......... so if the original sceanrio used weapon 64 then that's what the sceanrio uses . You can change the OOB to a new weapon for that unit but the SCENARIO only knows it's supposed to load weapon 64 and if you change weapon 64 to a ATGM then that's what it will add to the tanks armament for those scenarios.
Do you now understand the magnitude of the work involved with the suggestion that"..........developers to free it three slots and to place in them the new Russian weapon."
??............. because it's not just the scenarios in the game I have to take into consideration. It's every third party scenario ( the ones people make and post around the 'net but don't make it into the game ) AND every save game in every save game folder that uses that nation as well so any change like this would require very
VERY careful consideration before any change is made.