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Old September 11th, 2006, 06:27 PM

imh00052 imh00052 is offline
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Default Vengefull Witch

When my friend and I play some long games by the end both of most of our armies are cursed due to my troops destroying some hags home and taking her gems. Most of our commanders have magic gems even if they don't use magic. I usually play Arco and set my taxes below 100 but still avery five turns many of my provinces get cursed.When the games is new only 1-5 of my troops or commanders get cursed but as the games get longer hundreds of my troops get cursed at one time. I once had practically my whole army cursed. I've tried playing with different dominion settings such as more order and luck but nothing works. Is there any mod that gets rid of this? I don't think its other nations casting curse spells because i've looked for it and couldn't find the spell. My friend and I just want to play a game where all of our armies are not cursed when things really start to heat up. Any ideas or info?
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Old September 11th, 2006, 08:00 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

Just a question, how long do your games usually last? I really can't imagine so many curse events with full order and luck, unless you are going into the hundereds of turns.
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Old September 11th, 2006, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

Or there's a magic site that deals curses that nobody's found (but Arco shouldn't have unseen sites due to easy access to Acashic Record). There'd be no surprise at such a site- there's at least one that deals Horror Marks to anything in the province- but you should've found it. As far as that goes, it ought to be a Very Rare site, so if this is happening in specific provinces more often than others, route your armies away from those provinces.
There is a spell that dumps curses on a remote province though- it's Baleful Star (in unmodded game ALT 5, S3, 7 pearls). Have you been using this perchance?
Even worse is Doom (ALT 7, S4, 100F+1 pearl)- the battlefield version. Curses the entire enemy army.
If this is all "vengeful witch" events there may be something odd with your RNG landing on that event too often to be by chance. And from my experience (not much admittedly) that event rarely curses more than about 5-10 soldiers.
Not really an answer, but maybe helping to frame the question correctly...
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Old September 12th, 2006, 02:33 AM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

I suggest you keep track of every single curse event message you get. Keep a pencil and some paper handy. During the course of your game, record exactly how many troops it tells you have been cursed. Then, when you notice that you have lots of cursed troops, count them and make sure these two figures match. I have a feeling you are getting curses from other aspects of the game and blaming them on the random witch events. In any case, to lower those events, pick Order 3, Luck 3. They should happen very rarely with those scales. Also, consider recording how often you get these messages. For example: 1 every turn, or 1 every 20 turns.

=$= Big J Money =$=
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Old September 12th, 2006, 04:15 AM

imh00052 imh00052 is offline
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

Thanks for the replies!

Usually I play long games with or without my friends. Highest # of turns in a game for me is 240 or so especially with some of these maps with 250+ provinces. My friends and I like to set random events to common and set independents level to nine so the game lasts longer. I don't want to get rid of the curse spells or effects from battle just the random you have destroyed a witchs home and stole her gems so she curses your whole army. I never really had a problem with it but one game I invested alot in the order and luck dominion only to have most of my troops in every province cursed by turn 100. I guess I should set events to rare but I can handle every other random event good or bad. I just don't want a cursed army for stealing when I invested into the order and luck dominion to counter that. You should get that random curse event when there is turmoil or bad luck. It doesn't seem to be province specific either. Any province at any time i suppose.

I do wish for gems alot. I don't think that it causes your people to steal gems from an innocent hag or not but you never know. I know that the pocket lich curses random people but I've never had a big problem with that. When I am amassing troops in a province for an invasion though if that random event hits (as it does about every 25 turns for me in extreme cases) then it will curse hundreds of regular troops and at least half the commanders in the province. In provinces where I have hardly any troops every one is cursed!

I don't know if mods make the event occcur more but I do use the arco mod alot and some of the new pretender mods. I will definately make a record of these events. The vengefull witch is never a problem when we are playing short games with 100 provinces or less so mabe length of game is a factor. Is there any way to write a mod that can get rid of certain random events?

Thanks to everyone for thier imput.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 05:05 AM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

No, you can't mod random events, they're hardcoded. This is not changed in Dom3,btw. Therefore, unless there's some bug in the modding code, loading whatever mod should not affect the occurence of the "witch event" only. You may have more or more severe events in general, though. Btw., I don't think the "witch event" is considered severe.

Furthermore, having your entire army cursed is definitly not the work of a bunch of witches. If you get that event, you'll told how many units where cursed. If there's no number given, it is "0".

You know what? Next time you'll get such a "mass curse" event, zip up the savegame and attach it to a post here in the forum, and I'll have a look at it.
Better yet, zip up every turns files and keep them, then attach both the events turn and the preceding one (zipped again in one file, you can only attack 1 file per post here!) to your post.

Anyhow, being cursed doesn't make a great difference to the standard human infantry unit - it dies after 1 or 2 hits at best anyway. Number of additional afflicted units which survive the battle is normally negligible - you'll have some after every battle, cursed units or not. And some afflictions don't make that much of a difference to those units anyway (Lost an eye, Battle fright, Weakened etc.). Therefore, no big deal.

This is somewhat different for high-hitpoint units, like Jotuns or Centaurs, which are considerably more expensive, and o.c. commanders which should do melee fighting (speak: SuperCombatants). Being cursed is negligible for a mage or a troop commander set to "stay behind troops".
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 07:52 AM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

Witch even it one of those not good - not bad events. It gives you some gems but it curses some of your troops. However, it may happen that you didn't have any troops in that province so you only get gems.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

Dom3 has increased the random events, and defined the times they occur much better. They dont cause this type of irriation anymore IMO.

Of course Im all for more randoms so later on when people have played abit if they want to come up with some randoms to suggest then Im sure they will be heard.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

imh00052 said:
When I am amassing troops in a province for an invasion though if that random event hits (as it does about every 25 turns for me in extreme cases) then it will curse hundreds of regular troops and at least half the commanders in the province. In provinces where I have hardly any troops every one is cursed!

I was pretty sure that's not possible. As Arralen said, the curse event tells you exactly how many troops were cursed, and it's only a handful. Read it word for word. Does it literally tell you that hundreds of your troops have been cursed? It should be like 3-5.

imh00052 said:
I know that the pocket lich curses random people but I've never had a big problem with that.

In a 250 turn game, I would imagine this is your problem. Cursing a few units every turn for 100+ turns is probably the A+ best way to acquire a cursed army. Well, casting Doom on them would be better, I suppose.

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Old September 12th, 2006, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: Vengefull Witch

Just another note: curse is not really as bad as it sounds. It simply increases chance that unit will get affliction when wounded. Cursed unit still takes normal damage just like unit that isn't cursed. Curse is nasty on SC's (super combatants) that go into melee a lot and take damage frequently. Curse usually doesn't make much difference for normal troops that die on regular bases.

So if you get a lot of these events consider the fact that you have also received a lot of gems as a consequence and not much damage in return.
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