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Old June 4th, 2006, 06:25 AM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

Agrajag said:
Thanks, ,I'm not sure if it was me, but it does make sense, and I think I did mention this idea before.
If you don't have anything against it (and if Illwinter won't get there first ) I'd like to mod your idea into Dom 3 when the time comes.

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Old June 4th, 2006, 10:22 AM
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Well, obviously I have nothing against it.
What's better than have my idea "come true"?

Although I would appreciate it if you notify me when you do that, so I can be part of the creative process (or if you don't like people getting in the way - observe the creative process )
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Old June 4th, 2006, 11:49 AM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

Agrajag said:Although I would appreciate it if you notify me when you do that, so I can be part of the creative process (or if you don't like people getting in the way - observe the creative process )
Sure, I'd need anybody to help me out with mythology, names and such anyway.

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Old June 4th, 2006, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

I'm not that much of an expert on the subject, but I'd definitely lend a hand. I'm sure the hebrew wikipedia will also come in handy (and if all else fails, I do have a bible teacher (who is probably not going to like me much after my last test [Which doesn't matter much, since as of tomorrow I am finished with byble ])
Also, I managed to find that post you were talking about.
Thank you, ability to preview messages in the search mechanism, and the comfortable easy to use search function of FF.
IMO my old description doesn't sound quite as cool as the new one, but that hardly matters
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Old June 4th, 2006, 12:34 PM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

Agrajag said:
I'm not that much of an expert on the subject, but I'd definitely lend a hand. I'm sure the hebrew wikipedia will also come in handy
Well, I'm sure you know more than me.

So, now we just wait for the game...

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Old June 4th, 2006, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

You can probably pre-work alot of it.
As far as I can see Dom3 doesnt "break" anything, it just adds to it. So you should be able to do a mod with descriptions, flags, and even most of the units. Then when Dom3 comes out you can look thru the added commands and yell "YES now I can fix that" to go in and make tweaks.
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Old June 4th, 2006, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

Gandalf Parker said:
You can probably pre-work alot of it.
As far as I can see Dom3 doesnt "break" anything, it just adds to it. So you should be able to do a mod with descriptions, flags, and even most of the units. Then when Dom3 comes out you can look thru the added commands and yell "YES now I can fix that" to go in and make tweaks.
Well, that's true.

So, umm, Agrajag, do you have any idea what kind of units they should have, apart from "they should use copper weapons"?

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Old June 4th, 2006, 03:54 PM
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I'm not so sure about that, Gandalf.
Wasn't there something said about changing the default resolution sizes of units?
That is, if a unit used to be 32x32 it will now be 64x64?

If that really is the case, then all artwork will have to be redone, in which case we are better we are better off knowing these things before we start.

As for units, to the best of my understanding most of the byblical armies were pretty much "militia class", there was no permenant army, troops were recruited when battle was looming, so I think the general "theme" would be very cheap units, with added "higher quality" units for balance and flavour. (I don't suppose you plan to make an accurate remake of byblical wars).

That said, in my opinion we should have several different unit "models" each with different armaments:
Milita Class (just a bunch of new recruits, unarmored, but 10 morale) with:
Sickle / Copper Short Sword / Short Spear / Scythe / Pitchfork / Club / Sling / Whip
Warrior Class (trained warrior, probably caravan guards and the like turned into soldiers, leather armor, 11 morale, better Attack/Defense than Militia) with:
Short Copper Sword + Small Copper or Wood Shield / Whip / Short Bow / Long Bow / Spear / Hatchet or Axe + Small Copper or Wood Shield
Holy Warrior (maybe something like temple guards, highly trained with copper/bronze armor and high attack/defense/morale, perhaps blessable) with:
Bronze Short Sword / Bronze Long Sword (no shield) / Mace (wooden shaft, copper head) / Spear
All with a Copper Shield.

Atleast that's how I vision them.

If I'm brainstorming, I might as well think of some commanders:
Levi-like(better name needed) - "High Society", the social elite, some priestly power (H2 or H3)
Judge/Warrior Judge - Those judges that bailed the Israelites out of trouble time and time again. Somewhat of a multiclasser, they have priestly authority (H3), are renowned warriors and leader (good stats, high leadership), but also capable of miracles (S1 for scrying-type mystical spells, or A1 or Elemental1 for pillars of fog-like spells)
Prophet - A true miracle worker, high priestly authority (H3 or H4) and versatile miracle workers (S1-3 for scrying mysticism and/or a few elemental picks for control over natural elements, maybe 1A1F1E+2?(elemental))
Religios Scholar / Son of a Prophet - Students of religion, little religious power (H2 maybe), perhaps stealthy.
Scout - Simple as that, probably even less well armed than other nations' scouts.
Warlord - Leaders-Tactitians, they are the ones who plan military moves. Decents stats and very high leadership, perhaps a morale boosting effect.
Maybe more as they come into my head, maybe less if you don't want them.

Heroes could be:
Samson Clone - Extremely high strength mini-thug (but probably no equipment at all, so not that useful)
Elyahu (Elijah in English AFAIK) Clone - A great prophet, H4 A3F3E1W1, can cure afflictions..

That is it for now, my mental well is dry, hope you like my ideas. (And even if you don't, these are just ideas, we don't have to use them)
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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Old June 4th, 2006, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

I must say that I aprove the idea of units with whips/sickles/scythes.

Perhaps Judges and Warrior judges could be split into two, one more mage-like and another more of a renown warrior? Though multiclassing is fine by me, too.

Giving astral to the prophets would allow them to participate in Communion with the Judges, and that could be a critical advantage for a nation with very light troops. Astral + elemental pics sounds good to me.

The Levis and Religious Scholars are kinda overlapping...but maybe we'll figure something for them. Maybe an elemental random for the Religious Scholar? Mist-pillar making must start somewhere.

Standard would be good for the commanders, at least the light troops would be inspired ones.

I also like the hero ideas, but I think that Elyahu Clone could have Astral. Astral + Elementals is very Arco-like I know, but Astral also allows the Angel summons which are very fitting to say the least.

I like it so far, if you get any ideas forward them to me.

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Old June 4th, 2006, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: Pre-Ordering.

I like where its headed. But lets copy it to its own thread
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