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Old October 27th, 2001, 02:41 PM

Lemmy Lemmy is offline
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

i felt the same way about single player a while back and heven't played it for a few weeks now, i haven't even installed se4 since i formatted 2 weeks ago....
But with the new patch out, i'm starting to feel like playing again. Or i'll just wait for civ3....Hey, wait a minute, what a coincidence, civ3 is almost coming out, and you decide not to play SE4 SP for a while...

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Old October 27th, 2001, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

Burned out??? Not yet, but I can see within 6 months playing less (or when I get a new computer that can handle a more complex program....Baldurs Gate II xp pack, Master Of Orion III, whenever it comes out etc.)

PBW still takes up a large part of my day (larger after the wedding!) and I try to play single player as much as possible.(AI testing, mod testing and just plain fun, I have never actually finished a game single player yet...turn 150 is about as high as I have gotten.) Heck it took 3 years for Moo2 to bore me, and over a year for Moo1! It's the 'randomness' that I really like in these type of games.

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Old October 27th, 2001, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

Just on a side note, some games I can't wait for are Civ3, Sims Online, and Neverwinter Nights. Maaaaan they look kicking!
SE4 is going to remain a fav of mine for a long while though... Even if i dont have enough time to play it.
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Old October 27th, 2001, 07:59 PM

Rich04 Rich04 is offline
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

I use single player to test stuff out like Deathstalker. I find it useful when I encounter game settings I have never used before on PBW. I fire up the machine and play 50-60 turns in that enviroment. I have found that strategy can vary considerably with different game settings and helps me to adapt my playing style.
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Old October 27th, 2001, 09:38 PM

Aristoi Aristoi is offline
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

I can agree with that. I don't play the single player anymore, and I havn't for a few months, at least. It almost becomes like playing Dragon's Lair, where you just have to know the right moves and the AI folds.

The thing that I always find frustrating is that the AI seems to be completely oblivious to the kind of damage he is doing to a player. He never knows when to press an attack. I once had an AI take me to the ropes, and then just walk away and he didn't return for nearly a year in any force. By then I has a huge fleet and cleaned him up. Yet I was nearly defenseless before. Alas.

To make up for it, I just play about 5 PBW games. Even the greenest of players are at least suprisingly unpredictable.
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Old October 28th, 2001, 12:02 AM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

Hey, SE IV is unlike other 4X games in that you can mod it so easily and extensively. When playing gets boring, go back to modding. When modding gets boring, play test your mods for a while. If you get bored with both... well, there's a new patch with some new features coming out soon.
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Old October 28th, 2001, 01:12 AM
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Default Getting Burned Out

It has been nearly a year since I got my full copy of SEIV, and lot has happened in that time. I have made 15 ship sets, 13 published, 4 web sites, one still up thank god, and have played countless hours of SEIV.

Today, something inside of me just said enough. I need to take a break from this game for a while. I simply am just burned out on it. I love it endearingly, and will not "stop" playing it. I just need to take sometime away from it for a while.

I will still play my PBW game, and post here, but I think I will avoid playing a single player game for a long long time. The game has many things to offer, however, one thing the game does not have is, and what I need, is game play excitement. I know how to get the AI to surrender even giving the AI the best possible advantages. Regardless, I own the game by turn 200, and the rest of the game is spend exploring and populating. Might as well all it SimSpace at that point. All I am doing is building infastructure.

I have done it all, I have hiked the cost of research to god levels, added many new classes of ships, beefed up the AI to max, and still, I always win by turn 200. Simply put, the human ability to reason and direct efforts is so far beyond any AI that by turn 200, I have simply out paced the AI in research and intel.

The rest is mopping up.

Given this, I have literally lost interest in playing Single Player. DON'T count Single player out, its just that I have played it for over a year, and know it inside and out. I just need to step away for a while and redevelop my interest. (Usually takes about a month)

I am still interested, and excited about PBW, and egarly await my Turn notice. Right now, I am dead Last.

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Old October 28th, 2001, 03:36 AM

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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

I have just updated my Borg variant, Romulans, Klingon and Shadows races, and have produced AI for the Praetorian, Jraenar and UkraTal.
Am doing doing a final v1.49 play test but I promise you that they are good researchers and expand like berzerko.
I recommend that you give them a go once released!


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Old October 28th, 2001, 04:16 AM
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

Thank you all, your comments are right on the money.

Thanks GE, I look forward to it.

New Age Ship Yards

"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Captain Picard STNG

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Old October 28th, 2001, 05:35 AM
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Default Re: Getting Burned Out

I go through phases. There are certain times where I'm more into playing the game, other times where I'm into modding or building bits and pieces of shipsets that I never finish. Every once in a while I lose interest for a few weeks - but that is usually because I don't have a lot of time to be as involved as I would to be.

Captain Kwok = Captain Spoogy

Just thought I would mention that. I'm working on a new project (race) for Space Empires IV. It's a bit more time consuming since I decided to model my own image map textures for my shipset. Who knows when or if it will ever get done!

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