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Old December 7th, 2001, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)

Thanks for the info and for the good news about the boarding, kamikaze and troop ships.

What I do like about defense ships is that you can have a totally different ship-of-the-line in fleets and use different weapons/tactics with that. So while all attack ships/fleets will have direct-fire, your defense ships could be all seekers. This way the player never really knowns what he'll be facing and could be in for a surprise.
Not sure yet, what I'll do. I'll probably delete defense ships in some AIs, leave them in others, and see how it goes.

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Old December 8th, 2001, 02:53 AM
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Default Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)

Fear no more, the AI will now integrate kamikaze and boarding ships into attack fleets with like any attack ship and the boarding ships will even work now.

Originally posted by Atraikius:
I've been seeing some benifits of defense ships, but that is only becsause I have been trying to figure out how to make the AI use kamikaze ships effectively and consistantly.
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old December 8th, 2001, 03:20 AM

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Default Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)

Atraikius and others,
Thanks for the info on Defense ships. I too had noticed some odd things with them (and fleets) but didnt realise that they were the source of the problem.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)

Bumped thread - for the sake of the recent AI discussions. I would also recommend a read into the individual readme.txt files for the races in the TDM-ModPack. Although the main readme.txt just indicates that they the AI is tweaked, many authors use the race's individual readme.txt to keep a "diary" of what worked and what did not on each version as they "learned" the AI files.

Example from my Dra'kol readme:

Ver 2.10 - RELEASE #13
- Modified designs (once again) based on AI inspection reports 2-1-03 through 2-1-04
- Removed all calls to build Drones and Drone Carriers (just not worth the resources)
- Removed all Drone research (why research if not going to build)
- Reduced ratio of LR attack ships to SR attack ships from 2:1 to 3:1
- Added all 3 types of colony ships specifically to Explore & Infrastructure state due to bug in AI end-game call systems (thanks Mephisto)
- Reduced ftr groups from 15 to 8 and eliminated type priority firing in strategy file
- Created new .emp files to match changes in strategy file and eliminate special ships
- Corrected typo in fleets.txt file; lowered % ships to use in defense
- Reduced max. maintenance threshold in Settings.txt file
- Added a queue for colony type "Resupply Base" in case they capture one (thanks Mephisto!)
- Eliminated Ship Capture, Mil Sci 2 & Shield damage weapons research (no longer using boarding ships since not worth the resources spent)
- Added Computer Combat 1-3 in research file to utilize virus weapon on Kamikaze Ships
- Increased % of revenue to use for units production from 20% to 30% (need more troops)

Ver 2.00 - RELEASE #12
- Created "Drakol_Construction_Units.txt" to take advantage of new unit control
- Stripped most unit purchases from "Drakol_Construction_Vehicles.txt" now that we have the _Units.txt file (left in WPs in explore mod and "capper" at end of each queue
- Added "Attack Sweeper" and "Scout Ships" designs and to build queue (left in even though purchases based on unique names (as opposed to types) is not working yet
- Added Troop Transport design and applicable research now that we can control the AI production of troops
- Increased variety of vehicle purchases in "Defend (Short Term)" state since AI is in this state most of the time
- Separated queues for each AI state in both Construction files
- Modified designs based on AI inspection reports 4-5-02 through 4-7-02
- Increased max. turns before next attack, # systems to defend & fleet % based on research by Mephisto and my experimentation
- Streamlined design file for single ship call approaches
- Increased recon sat production based on AI inspection reports
- Put mid-way points into attack ship vehicle purchases due to choke symptoms
- Adjusted research file to "33" to avoid unused points after certain projects
- Modified Drone attack strategy and design based on research by Mephisto and my experimentation

Ver 1.90 - RELEASE #11
- Reset/verified certain Empire options (moving through minefields, etc.) now that they are working
- Increased # recon sats in different queues
- Removed rad/org extract tech level 2-3 due to monolith strategy
- Revised strategies based on testing, including overall fleet
- Added Kamikaze ship design (fleet support) and construction queue now that they are seeking fleets
- Added Boarding ship design and construction queue now that they are seeking fleets
- Added Ship Capture, Drone and Shield Damaging Weapons to research queue
- Added Drone designs and construction queues (still testing)
- Removed Cargo Transport and design since could not detect use by AI
- Changed fleet strategy back to optimal firing range b/c not hitting anything
- Added Drone Carrier to design file and construction queue
- Added new settings for fleet and overall AI, tweaked Drone cargo settings

Ver 1.85 - RELEASE #10
- Additional boost to # research facilities located on rad/organic colonies
- Moved up CA, BB, DN in tech tree, moved down Stellar Harness
- Increased # colonizers in all states to min. of 3
- Adjusted Stellar Manipulation designs to take into consideration 250/400k component sizes
- Changed SRLT/HV designs back to Optimal Firing Range b/c not hitting a damn thing
- Moved up "Create Planet" ship in construction queue
- Added new lines to Settings.txt
- Added Drone designs and strategies based on default AI files (tweak pending usefulness)
- Eliminated Shield Regeneration components in all but attack/defense base designs
- Reversed treaty levels back to default based on testing
- Overflow queue for farming colonies converted to intel facilities
- Increased # attack ships in attack/defense modes
- More tweaks to all designs based on testing
- Added Cargo Transport back in based on Population Transport Design
- Added recon sats back in now that the construction bug is fixed
- Fixed grammatical problems in speech file
- Converted both "Fighter Attack" movement strategies to "Point Blank"
- Fixed .emp files that had emperor name/title reversed
- Changed strategies fire to reflect revised firing priorities

Ver 1.80 - RELEASE #09
- Removed recon sats from build queue pending bug removal (placed sensors on other platforms)
- Totally reworked research tree based on tech min lines working now
- Totally reworked designs all the way through late game attack bases
- Limited pop. transports to 600kt b/c taking away whole planets of population
- Removed defense ships from design and build queues
- Tweaked strategies file for larger units launched and to use "Type Priority" first
- Confirmed cloaked colonizers used properly by AI, new dual-class colonizers added
- Tweaked build queues for late games where player has 100+ planets
- Reduced # of auxiliary ships AI not using fairly well (Sat Layer, Pop Cargo, etc.)
- Changed carrier strategies and load-out
- Limited size of mines to 10k to avoid wasted efficiency
- Converted most auxillary ships to max. range with engine overloading weaponry
- Turned off certain boxes in empire options when creating .emp file (no move through minefield, autoclaim)
- Turned on "damage until weapons gone" in .emp file strategy settings
- Removed cloaking from spaceyard ships b/c ministers having trouble using while cloaked
- Converted latter part of farm planets to research havens
- Re-tooled planet selection to boost research planets
- Eliminated "Ancient Race" as selection since this was causing havoc for the colonization minister
- Changed strategies for weapon platforms and sats based on changes MM made in recent patch
- Eliminated emissive armor (again) from designs since reports show that it is still not working
- Boosted desire of race to accept treaties early on when struggling
- Eliminated certain techs from research queue that were not efficient for AI (extraction 4-9)
- Forced AI to have a recon ship in the first turn with all supplies via the .emp file

Ver 1.70 - RELEASE #08
- Moved stellar manipulation up the research tree
- Tweaked fleets file to attempt to get higher % of ships in fleets
- Created a mandatory research planet in every system in the Planet_Types file
- Due to fighter design problems, reduced number of valid designs to one
- Increased number of research & intel facilities in the Construct_Facilities file
- Removed duplicate facilities in the Construct_Facilities file when a facility has more than one ability
- Totally reworked Epoch 1 research to attempt to provide stronger early game ships
- Removed blanks from the end the design name file
- Redesigned early game mine/sat layers to provide more laying ability
- Increased # of PD weapons on small attack/defense ships

Ver 1.65 - RELEASE #07
- Removed minesweeper as component to larger attack ships (sweeper components do not work while cloaked)
- Tweaked planet selection to decrease farming and increase research colonies
- Modified default formation "Dark Wing"
- Further tweaking to research tree and ship designs based on testing

Ver 1.60 - RELEASE #06
- Fixed error in 3000 point start in General.txt where all points were not spent; added new design name file; removed cloaking from sweepers and colony ships due to bugs
- Created new .emp files with strategies (previous ones had some bugs)
- Tweaked Anger/Politics file for better reactions re: trade and treaty policies
- Made dramatic changes to research tree, designs, construction and facilities queue file

Ver 1.55 - RELEASE #05
- Modified .emp files since unique strategies file still not working in race folders
- Modified unit launching designs to use cloaking
- Modified construction queues based on extra resources & unit caps

Ver 1.50 - RELEASE #04
- Deleted Kamikaze & Boarding Ships (again) b/c still not used in fleets by AI
- Added back unique strategy file now that it is usable by AI
- Modified Construction Queues and Vehicle designs
- Added back defense bases and research of cloaking now that these are fixed

Ver 1.40 - RELEASE #03 (shipset graphics by Voidhawk now added)
- Deleted all calls to "Defense Ship" (until bug fixed) and completely overhauled construction queues
- Fixed several range error bugs and added multi-class attack/defense ships

Ver 1.35 - RELEASE #02 (shipset based on Xiati)
- Additional tweaks to designs and construction queues based on tech levels 2 and 3 playtesting
- Overhauled planet selection file to make decisions more consistent with human player and limit number of facilities built in early game
- Overhauled research, construction and design files to eliminate under-utilized tech and ships (i.e. boarding, troops, kamikaze, cloaking, etc.)
- Fixed spacing errors

Ver 1.30 - RELEASE #01 (shipset based on Xiati)
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Old March 24th, 2006, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Rea

bump nudge
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