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Old December 13th, 2005, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

if SE5 had it's own built in auto updater/master server lists that would be cool. But beyond that steam and steam like game distributers are unesessary bloated crap. It wasn't broke, it doesn't need fixing. Only one I kinda like is guild wars. All you're account info is saved on their servers. It's like a 1 time subscription fee to buy th e account, then you either install from the cdrom or DL the client. GW isa muliplayer only game(nearly but not quite MMPORG) that is very 56k friendly, so no real single player mode and once a week or so a 3 MB update that installs in less then 20 minutes. It works for GW, and sorta works for CS, but for a game like space empires, hell no, that sort of distribution and DMR wold kill half the fun of the game.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

Updates: http://malfador.com
Serverlist: http://seiv.pbw.cc

What's so hard about that?
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Old December 13th, 2005, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

Phoenix-D said:
"Arkcon: SEV is *not* going to be published on STEAM at the moment, so asking would be silly. Its a hypothetical question. "

True enough, there's nothing on the Strategy First press release quoted at the start of this thread that specifically mentions SEV ... but then again, it doesn't mention any titles at all! OK, so my question changes, "What does STEAM mean to Strategy First, the distributor of Malfador's product SEV ..." But the query is still kinda there.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 08:38 PM

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Default Re: SEV on Steam?


Updates: http://malfador.com
Serverlist: http://seiv.pbw.cc

What's so hard about that?

What if malfador and/or shrapnel go out of business? What if you lose or break your cds? What if the pwb server crashes? I'm not at all thrilled about steam but some of the questions seem to apply to more traditional games delivery as well. The point about transferring games is a good one, though. Then again, most software is technically licensed, not sold, right? The L in EULA
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Old December 13th, 2005, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

If Malfador goes out of business, the patch is still available all over the web. Playing and updating the game is not dependent on a prorprietary DRM server scheme.

If PBW crashes, you can still play by email, or set up a replacement server easily. It is not dependent on proprietary DRM to play multiplayer, as Steam games are. Everybody has a full copy of the last turn's savegame, so there is little need for any downtime. When PBW was down for a few months a year or two ago, games continued via email or via PBW replacement site scripts. None of this is possible with Steam.

If you break your CD, you use your backup CD. With no shoddy DRM technology, exercising legal fair use rights is easy.

The license for the game is easily transferable. Delete your installation, give the CD away or sell it, bam, its transfered.
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 06:14 PM

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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

Don't you need a license key to play? Maybe I'm thinking of dominions II, it has been awhile since I reinstalled seiv...
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Old December 14th, 2005, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

That'd be Dominions 2. There isn't any CD-key for SEIV; even if there was, you could still play the game just fine... unless the game servers *have* to be online before you are allowed to play, in which case you go back to the problem with mandatory servers.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 07:35 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

With keys, you can just write them on the surface of the CD and the backup.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 07:49 PM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

1) I know it is hard for some people to fathom, but I have computers that are not connected to ANYTHING and they are still quite useful and fun.

2) What about installing the game on multiple computers in your home, so you can play on whatever one is not currently being used by someone else? That's fair use. Does steam allow that?
Give me a scenario editor, or give me death! Pretty please???
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Old December 15th, 2005, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: SEV on Steam?

If SEV became a STEAM only product. I'd drop it like a leperous midget. I've had to deal with STEAM in the past when my kids tried (and failed) to install HL. I vowed never ever to touch it again. Even when titles like Ragdoll Kung Fu came along (something that I wanted for a long long time) I decided to not purchase it because it was a STEAM only download.

I'm dead set against STEAM in any form.
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