Tuesday, July 26, 2005
My computer is too screwed up to do anything right now. Once
my computer seems to be working, I'll RESTART our game and
send each of you a PM to see if you're still interested. For
now, this game is canceled.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Please e-mail me at
[email protected] for any problems,
concerns, or excuses. Gmail notifier will let me know right
away when you send an e-mail.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I'm sure the server will be stable from now on. You are
expected to visit this thread regularly and take your turn
every 24 hours. Eventually I'll slow it down to 48 or 72,
but your turn will be skipped if you fail to take your turn
on time! If for some reason you will be late in taking your
turn you are expected to POST THE EXCUSE in this thread.
Doing so will let me know to pause the hosting time for you.
Tuesday, July 25, 2005
The power in my whole neighborhood went out. It's on again
as you can see and te server is UP! GOGOGO!
Tuesday, July 25, 2005
Wow, I reset the BIOS, reformatted my harddrive and
everything is running perfectly. Let's get this game going!
SERVER UP!!!! Pythium, take your dam turn!
Tuesday, July 23, 2005
My computer is so badly unuseable that I can no longer
reformat and install a fresh copy of windows. The server
will not be up untill I can get my computer to work. Luckily
I have everything backed up so there's no need to worry
about data loss. I'm taking it to a professional computer
repair service. I won't be online much as of now.
Tuesday, July 22, 2005
IP: Port: 4005, take your dam turns! NOW!
The server will quickhost or host every 24 hours. I will
slow it down to 48 or 72 late-game.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I'm a bit worried about Archaeolept. He has only one reply
for this thread and has never sent his pretender. I am
removing him from the list until he makes an appearance.
That will leave only 7 of us. I will not start without at
least 8. Word of Undead is open for players again. You will
be required to revisit this thread throughout the progress
of the game.
IMPORTANT: Resubmit your pretender with Zen's pretender
mod. Make sure you
PASSWORD your file. Remember, you
can send me your pretender file as many times as you want,
I'll use the last one sent.
Game Name: Word of Undead
Independant Str: 6
Magic Site Frq: 55
Map: Shahrivar
Mods: Zen's Pretender,
Zen's Scale,
Zen's Spell
Research: Default
Event Rarity: Default
Richness: Default
No. Provinces: 2
Renames: Yes[/b]
C'tis -
Caelum -
Pythium -
Marignon -
Pangaea -
Jotunheim -
Mictlan -
Arcoscephale -
Reverend Zombie
T'ien Ch'i -