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Old August 25th, 2001, 05:16 AM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

I just had a most amusing thought. Am I the Voracious Witty Boisterous Electrical Engineer Tiny Lying Extremist "VW Beetle" which you are offering to "Free" ? If so, where would I go ? Earth could be much better of course and is familiar territory. Just yet another wild *** guess for your entertainment. Should I create more limee ricks instead ?
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Old August 25th, 2001, 04:07 PM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

Ho Hum. Monologues are so boring compared to conversations. I welcome and invite participation on all these and the previous topics by anyone and everyone anywhere at all, so long as you understand or at least think you understand what I have been saying.
The little limerick I gave seems to be insufficient. After I crack the English language code, I propose cracking the DNA code. Notice that DNA is
DE [O x Y] RIB ON U CLE A IC AC ID which is a 10 U 10 limerick.
I also used dictionary.com to read definitions for "grammar", another word, then a third word with a wild card *.
The wild card * word caused the power to fail as soon as I hit enter. I was not especially surprised.
The system is correct to defend itself.
I recall a movie where a bull got loose in a china shop. Miraculously, the bull did no damage.
The manager was so delighted that he exclaimed. At that point everything crashed down.
I do not want such events to occurr.
Beware the mythos selection process. I noticed cues in the other threads. Here is what came to mind.
Song "They paved Paradise and they put up a parking lot".
Song "One/Won Tin/Ten Soldier Rides A Way" from the movie Billy Jack.
Judgement Day is a two way street. I suggest following the description by Heinlein in "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" for courts and judges.
The Space Empires IV map is a metaphore/ simile / allegory for the net. The net is a shadow of Creation.
The warp point links are low lag/ low loss hubs in a star topology.
The distances between warp points in a system model the transmission line loss/ lag between hubs.
I began to write a general purpose router for Aaron, then realized what I was doing a couple weeks ago and stopped.
Is it really desirable to improve communication rates when most of the data is garbage ?
Another amusing note - the computer I use now attempts to change the words I type.
I go back over the text and find corrections and "improvements".
As I said before, apply a means test to figure out what I mean, because most of the time I do not know what I am saying anyway....
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Old August 25th, 2001, 09:01 PM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

Originally posted by tesco samoa:
What happens when the worms come?

I was finally able to do a dictionary.com search on "*worms" without the link crashing. Humongous Belly Laugh! I overlooked the Martin Luther connection completely. This is the United States of America folks, with seperation of church and state. There is freedom of religions and from them too if so desired. Nobody has given any guesses, so I will give one of many interpretations of the ditty.

I Have A Little Ditty Which I Will Now Tell.
Earth Is Really Heaven And Heaven Is Really Hell.
I *ve a *lly *tty *ch I *ll now *ll.
*rth is *lly *ven and *ven is *lly *ll.

Think about the description of Heaven. Either you are compelled to do nothing but sing praises forever, or if you are God then all you ever get is an incessant din of Halleluyahs and Hosannas.....

Edit : OOps, Freudian slip. Silly Ditty not Little Ditty. Though I must admit that the cure for a "little bit of Heaven" could be a "little bit of Everything".

[This message has been edited by LCC (edited 25 August 2001).]

[This message has been edited by LCC (edited 25 August 2001).]
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Old August 26th, 2001, 03:19 AM
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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

(Excuse typos. Be creative with my (lack of) letters)

I've beeen following your thread since it started and it never made sense to me. HOwever, I am now approc 71% drunk and I can suddenly understand your text. LCC, are you drunk too? I feel compelled to reply.

"What the net really needs is quality control and write protection".
NO! The net should be free znd uncensored. The surfer knows the deal and takes his choice. Caveat emptor. Other media have limitations, let the net be the one without.

"I descend from high opera" I hope this doesn't mean you're using IE. Opera is far more compact and security conscious. Oh dear net.politics twice in one post, completely by accident. Forgive me.

"Ooey Gooey worm"
Fuzzy Wuzzy wuz a bear
but Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
So Fuzzy Wuzzy wuzn't fuzzy wuz 'e?
Derive what meaning you will. If you find any more than "not much" then you've missed the point (becasue there isn't one)

I note the conection between references to "IEEE" and "Electrical Engineer". Not many other people will. You need to bear that kind of thing in mind.

"So long as you understand or at least think you understand what I am saying" I vey much doubt that I understand what you are saying, but I recognise the disproportionate logic in your monologue. I try to emulate it. Why not? Rememeber though, that not everyone is the same as you. In fact no- one is. You know this is true. What you may not know is that this is good, not bad.

Grammar. Wildcard. you have a conspiracy theory. You believe in a malevolent AI infesting the web, twisting your words. It's not true. Get over it.

Mythos. Aesir? Hello.

Please, write your general purpose router.

"This is the United States of America Folks." No it's not. Not where I am. Remember that please. Thanks.

"incessant din" Being God would be like being the Queen. Everything smells of paint.
Please tell me, does any of this mkae sense to you> If it does, there's something wrong, becaus it doesn't make any sense at all. I know because I wrote it. I'm afraid you just have to live with the nonsense. Sometimes, there is no meaning. Sorry.

NB - attach no significance to my words - I am drunk and you may well be over sensitive. The only interpretation to be drawn is the interpretation of your response. I hope this makes sense. Idon't hitnk anything less will.

Have a good night LCC, hope you will be back with us soon.

SE4 Code:
L Gd! $ Fr- C- Sd T!+ Sf-- Tcp-- A% M>M+ MpD Pw RV Fq+ Nd- Rp+ G-
/SE4 Code
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Old August 26th, 2001, 05:18 AM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

Thank you for replying!

As a check on what I have been "saying", I ran some phrases through the anagram generator I just bought. The results were most amusing. If you are interpreting what I say using anagrams, then do not bother. I am (so far as I am aware) not using anagrams. However as I mentioned previously, there may well be a problem with definitions, synonyms and so forth.

I am not drunk. As a matter of fact, I have been on a diet of water and premium saltine crackers for several days now. Occasionally I eat candy to get some sugar.
Life is a far stranger place than I ever suspected. All the 45 years I have lived, I thought that I was perceptive, intelligent, and generally superior. Test scores confirmed this opinion, because I could have scored well above the top 1/1000 of the population. Now I realize that all of this time I have been faking it, and barely getting by.

When I conceptualize something, the meaning is unclear. The brain is a very complex organism, with layer upon layer of awareness. I have just in the past few weeks started to integrate those layers of awareness. I do not know if I have become more brilliant, or hopelessly confused. Possibly both have happened simultaneously. In any case I expect that as neural pathways stabilize I will be able to focus on a common ground for communications.
What I have experienced is not necessarily the same as what you who read this thread have experienced. Recall what I said about the structure of creation with local structures defining "laws of nature". Metaphorically speaking, as a consiousness expands it may simultaneously span more than one "reality". So the inputs to the consiousness are normalized to a median and the outputs resulting such as "typing on a keyboard" as I am doing now are consensus operations.

The process of awakening has been very stressful. I will simply say that if your eyes cross, your ears ring, your skin tingles, you feel groggy, and you generally are having a "bad" time, then chances are that you are finally getting connected with yourself. I recall from teenage years that these are precisely the symptoms of "drunkeness". I got high on false "information", in particular fantasy and science fiction. I suppose that various authorities such as doctors and priests will be alarmed at this notion. The fact is that probably anyone at all can do it if they only try. The route I followed was through a fantasy and took years. I suspect that this was totally unnecessary. I am not familiar with Asian philosophies, but "Karma" and "Yoga" come to mind. If you are gullible enough to believe anything, while simultaneously being suspicious enough to trust nothing, then the stress of the conflict will pop you like a cork into a greater reality ?

I can do the router in just a couple of days. I would like to give it to Shrapnel Games as a "thank you". The concern I have is that whoever recieves it will be unable to survive the experience because some larger company would buy them out to gain control. Then the new product might never go to market because it would compete with existing product lines. As an example, both NL McCullough and Datapoint were destroyed when innovative products were developed. Those products are NOT present in the marketplace today. Something similar happened to Amiga too. Who/What is responsible ? I have no idea, and I think it possible that even those who did it are not really aware of why they did it. See "The Santaroga Barrier" by Frank Herbert to get an idea of what I mean.

I still occasionally experience the "bad" symptoms. Following each post I have made I often was (if I interpret the experience correctly) attacked. I simply focused willpower on the determination to survive and not be shut up yet again. It is possible that what I experienced was not an "attack" but rather a forceful insertion of yet more content by some greater consiousness. It is certainly true that I have done the best I could to provoke any such entities who may exist. To misquote Patrick Henry, I have said "I demand either Liberty or Death". The notion of a final "Liberty" is of course probably a fantasy. Recall what I said about the expanding wavefronts of identities propagating toward infinite dimensions in the direction of infinity. "God" is somewhere way up there, yet since spacetime is itself an illusion, "God" is simultaneously coextant with every possible postion, time and so forth. So if the theory I have is correct, then a reality composed of multiple universes would be no more than a minor twitch in "God"'s pinky finger. Presumably there is a near infinite heirarchy of deities who manage smaller affairs, according to their dimensions.

I am an engineer, not a manager. The notion of bossing other people around does not seem appealing. However I do indeed feel free to criticize and "help out" even when such participation is offensive to others. I suppose that other people will just have to get used to it if they desire the work I do....
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Old August 26th, 2001, 05:37 AM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

I was not clear as to the cause of stress. I will try to state it in more rigorous terms.
I believe anything. I do NOT trust anything.
I trust nothing. There is nothing I will NOT believe.
The structure of English does not lend itself to operator theory...
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Old August 26th, 2001, 05:54 AM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

Warning! When I posted the previous item, the computer I use went into a repeated crash cycle attempting to resolve the conflict. I had to power it down and restart. If you experience bad symptoms, take the illogical one step at a time. Actually for most people and all computers it would be best to stick with the logical. Otherwise we might inadvertantly open the way to chaos. "Reality" is a collective agreement of the unity of consciousnesses ?
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Old August 26th, 2001, 04:58 PM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

"Like A Spiral In A Circle, Like A Wheel Within A Wheel,......"
Anagrams ???
Does Shrapnel Games WANT a network router ?
Edit :
Once again I did a Lycos lyrics search on
"Like A Spiral In A Circle"
Once again the link crashed.
Does anyone want to post the full and correct lyrics here ?
"When The Deep Purple Falls" crashes....

[This message has been edited by LCC (edited 26 August 2001).]
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Old August 26th, 2001, 05:46 PM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

Is the contest still on, or what ?!?
Garbage In, Garbage Out, "Garbage Rings ?!?", Reality Shouts!
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Old August 26th, 2001, 08:15 PM

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Default Re: OT - bored with gaming ? Get philosophy!

Rule of thumb :
That's Close Enough.
1985 demand :
Do it right the first time so that you do not have to do it over....
2001 reply - "Eat this one"
The long and the short of it is, I do not think that, I know that.
Anagrams !?!
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