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Old March 25th, 2005, 12:23 AM
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Default Is this normal? (contains warp point tactics)

I created a fleet and as usual opened a wormhole, the fleet pops through and then attacks an enemy homweorld in the one turn. As I am want to do I looked at the movement log. Here is where strange things happened. 2nd day the ships appear in the enemy home system, but there is no wormhole they simply materialised in the system (albeit at the edge). Not only is there no wormhole (although granted it appears on day 30) but the fleet has been divided into the original components from two turns ago. Two small fleets and a transport move in perfect synchronisation to the enemy planet. At the end they are put together into the main fleet I built. I can't remember this happening before. It's a devull game by the way.
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Old March 25th, 2005, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: Is this normal? (contains warp point tactics)

The movement logs are odd. They do things like that.
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Old March 25th, 2005, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Is this normal? (contains warp point tactics)

The replay dosen't record any stellar manip or fleetings, but those things do show up when the replay ends and goes back to your normal view.
While the replay is running, you see the map as it was at day zero.
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Old March 25th, 2005, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: Is this normal? (contains warp point tactics)

When you hit end turn, the game copies the .gam file to the temp directory, renamed by adding "_lastturn" to it. When you watch the movement log, the game loads that file and then shows ship movements. This means that fleets, warp points, orders, etc. are all shown as they were at the last time you saved the game before ending your previous turn until the movement log is done and it reloads the current turn. You can even inspect last turn's log report, last turn's production in the empire status screen, etc. Ships/units lost in combat are removed (except units launched and destroyed in combat are not subtracted from the cargo displayed for the carrier), colonization actions are shown, ships/units destroyed by damaging warp points or sectors are removed, and ships/units destroyed by minefields are removed, but no other changes during turn execution are shown except ship movement. In particular, no stellar manipulation results are shown during the movement log replay, not even ships destroyed by star destruction and the like. Fleets are shown following the ships that were in them, even if those fleets were disbanded between the last save and turn execution.
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Old March 25th, 2005, 12:38 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: Is this normal? (contains warp point tactics)

It's kind of funny isn't it...we're going to have to learn all these little technical details all over again for SEV. I wonder if it'll take us years, like it has for SEIV.
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Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )
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Old March 25th, 2005, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: Is this normal? (contains warp point tactics)

Renegade 13 said:
It's kind of funny isn't it...we're going to have to learn all these little technical details all over again for SEV. I wonder if it'll take us years, like it has for SEIV.
No way! Aaron and the beta testers are going to do a perfect job thereby minimizing oddities.

Isn't that right, beta testers? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]
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