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Old July 27th, 2004, 01:52 AM

Curt Pangracs Curt Pangracs is offline
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Default Re: virtual property

I recently left an Online gaming squad, under "heated" conditions , and the obsession with Online gaming and just being on the computer was insanely evident. People on this squad are regularly racking-up 100 hours per month on the squad gaming server playing Delta Force: Blackhawk Down, and upwards of 40-50+ hours on the publisher's (Novaworld) servers. I think the most I played in one month was about 20 hours, and that was when I was on vacation and my family was off visiting my in-laws.

To me, this is very scary behavior. These were people who claimed they were a "family", yet most had never met in person. Those that HAD met in person formed a "clique" that eventually took over the squad and used it as their own little playground, ignoring the desires and needs of everyone else on the squad.

Some of these people worked in the computer industry, so had a reason to be Online often, yet others, like this one female, was on constantly DESPITE having a family of 5 kids and a husband. The problem was, the husband either encouraged it or was a cuckold and couldn't do anything about it if he wanted to. Suffice it to say, no matter the circumstances, I pity the kids, who couldn't help but feel that they were secondary to a little electronic box. How emotionally scarring is that?!

Psychologists have a number of theories on the types of personalities drawn to living on the internet, and all agree on one unifying factor,...an inability to have a satisfying and fulfilling REAL life. This is truly a sickness and there are perhaps millions of people who are slipping from a real life into a false reality.

Makes you think, doesn't it?!

[ July 26, 2004, 12:53: Message edited by: Curt Pangracs ]
Curt Pangracs
Raging Tiger and The Star and the Crescent
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