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Old September 1st, 2004, 11:48 PM
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Default Dominion condition win? What\'s up?

I'm getting confused about winning a Dominion condition game. I'm playing as Jotun and have conquered about 90% of the Karan map. The C'tis are giving me a hard time, but they are the only ones left other than me. I have an 8 or 9 Dominion throughout my provinces, and yet C'tis is still beating me. Their god is powerful, and they have three globals to my two, but I have 90% of the worshippers in the world? It seems like I should be winning.
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: Dominion condition win? What\'s up?

Your dominion score is determined by the number of provinces that have your positive dominion in them, and the strength of that dominion. Every province with positive dominion counts as ten points, plus the dominion score in that province. SO a province with 1 dominion in it counts for 11 points, while one with a dominion of 10 counts for 20 points.
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Dominion condition win? What\'s up?

In which case what if the victory threshold for amount of dominion necessary was set higher than (20* number of provinces on the map)? I know, I know, that's hideously unlikely (except by accident, like someone forgot that there weren't enough provinces for a dominion number of 4000 (the scale tops out less than that though ...?) ) Would that make the game unwinnable by that condition (although if you wiped out the other nations that would be end of game anyway...)?
It's just a dogma-eat-dogma world...
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