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Old August 20th, 2004, 07:43 PM
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Default 001 Ultimate PBW game

Hi all This game is looking for a new player. As far as I can tell due to game configuratin All Empires are stil viable. If your intrested you know where to look.
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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Old August 21st, 2004, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

President Ralaen Stood on the balcony overlooking the city a large drink swallowed up in his fist. The city lights melted with the horizon. He mused about the changes he had brought about since taking power 27 months ago. Twenty-four new planets added to the Alliance, several new ships added to the fleet.
"Is there anything more your Excellency?" Asked Gary.
"No thank you Gary. Please ask Helen to send in Admiral Mateo as soon as She arrives."
"Very good, Sir"
Admiral Mateo marched grimly down the halls of the presidential Palace. Bearers of bad tidings were never a welcome thing. And what she had to tell the President was not good. She was surprised at how rapidly She was ushered into the Presidents office.
�Your Excellency� The Admiral snapped to attention.
President Ralaen waited until Helen had left and shut the door. He turned slowly and crossed the room.
� Admiral.� He paused. �Please sit down.�
Without waiting Ralaen started speaking.
�At first glance Admiral I would think we have a problem.�
Admiral Mateo sat into the nearest chair no expression on her face. But the thoughts in her mind struggling to gain their equilibrium a little off balance at the swift pace the meeting was going. Things simply were not done this way normally.
�I have seen the early reports on 1st Thraen task force they acquitted themselves well. However losing one ship for every one of the UF�ers is no way to run a fleet action.�
�No sir it is not.� Replied the Admiral.
� We need to find answers to this regenerating armor�
�Yes, Sir. Your Excellency I have more bad news to report.� She grimily plowed on.
�The surviving ships of the task force made landfall and repairs at the Exiles of Kor�s planet Priintlot I sir. Then the United Florals followed them in and the rest of the task force was destroyed�
�The Exiles of Kor are not at war with the Florals?� asked the President.
�Apparently not Sir they must have recently made an agreement with them that we were unaware of.�
�Do we have anything to hit back with admiral?�
� I�m afraid not sir we are stretched thin as it is we are still at war with the Toltayans and we have more threats to the west and we still have not heard from the Prince Carlton Fleet.�
President Ralaen walked back to the edge of the balcony hands clasped behind his back. Looking out over the city once again. �Damn. He thought one step forward two backward. The Floral attacks were just being suppressed.�
He stared for a moment longer. Turning He eased back into the room.
�Admiral pull as many ships together as you can make sure the Florals can�t get into our home systems and protect our remote miners. I am going to have a word with the Exiles. And see if we can�t persuade them to at least break their treaties with the Florals.�
�Sir.� The Admiral rose to her feet. �The Fleet understands.�
John Ralaen reached for his 8th wife hugging her to him She reached down to him holding him tight.
�I think we can make it right John you�ll see�
� Sure hope so I would hate to fire you Sandra.�
�Busy tonight?� She asked.
The President sighed.
�No rest for the wicked.�
�And the righteous don�t need none� She held his head to her chest.
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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Old August 21st, 2004, 07:40 PM
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game


Nice read, and I'm very pleased to hear that my old Corelian Alliance is still alive and doing really good.....
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

Wormhole technology and Interstellar Politics

In the year 2414.0 SGT. (Standard Galatic time) Several Interstellar governments had or were striving to obtain stellar technology I.E. Wormhole openers, closers, world makers, etc. It soon became apparent that a new blance of power was rapidly spreading across the cosmos. Havenot's resented the Have's. Old border disputes soon erupted in fresh bickering.
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:08 PM

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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

Oh uh. I haven't read this turn's results yet...

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Old February 18th, 2005, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

When in the course of human events it becomes apparent that an alien race seeks to overwhelm and invade by means it deems peaceful but places Humankind in an untenable position from which it has no viable recourse. It becomes imperative that a sensible solution be reached. However, when no reasonable accommodation can be reached then actions must be taken to restore equilibrium. Failing that the security of the Corelian Alliance of Independent people must be establish with permanence and conviction.
Therefore it is with a sad heart but a firm devotion to duty that I ask the Corelian Assembly to enact Measure AR-176a. This will create 500 more starships specifically designed to meet the Kor menace to our security. Allow local commanders autonomy to insure Alliance security by any means necessary. Increase the black ops budget by 14% over inflation. And create the Alien Space Security Board, which will oversee future Alien affaires. The board will be lead by Admiral Carlton, Hero of Yue, and Prince of the Royal blood.
Let me say that this crises will Mark not only the Corelian Alliance But The galaxy, as we know it. Should we be falter in our duty to civilized people everywhere the Galaxy will condemn us. We stand as a Beacon of hope that all races can live in harmony together. Within our borders 6 races stand as one. We will not back down from what is right. We will continue to take in the oppressed and be a haven for peace and security. Let us all stand together against the misguided rulers of Kor and show them the right way to treat others not of their own kind. Therefore we ask the assembly by voice vote to accept Measure AR-176a and ENSURE OUR SECURITY!

Speech Made by President Ralen during the Kor Crises of 2414.0 GST
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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Old February 18th, 2005, 02:56 PM

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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

Statement by the Chancellor, at the Most Holy of Kor, upon receiving this message burst. Addressed to the other races of the Galaxy:

It is with great puzzlement that the Exiles have received these messages. over the past few months the Corelians have decided to jettison ancient treaties, claim wrongs where before they had none, and make demands which are ever increasing in their scope and provocatory nature.

For over a year, the Exiles have been engaged in that most holy of pursuits, the terraforming of asteroids to make habitable worlds in the Aragor system. Terraforming is the highest calling of the Faithful, and it is the focus of our worship and civilization. We had been engaging in such activities for many months, but suddenly the Corelians not only colonized four worlds we created, but have declared that the entire Aragor system should now come under their control. The Faithful and the Corelians have shared the aragor system ever since they met, over ten years ago.

Earlier agreements by the Corelians have also been jetissoned. Their conquest of Plant worlds was allowed by us only upon the condition that upon destruction of the plant empire they turn over the worlds they conquered, for they were deep in our space.

There are a number of other incidents, but there is a clear pattern. Each demand is more provocative and inflammatory than the prior one. Corelian warships pour into Aragor and other systems. And we have word that Corelian fleets are enroute to our space even as we speak with an intention to murder the Faithful.

It is clear that the Corelian government is unstable and is seeking to cause a war between our peoples. We ask the civilized races of the Galaxy to take heed and lend their support to our cause should war come. The Corelian government has gone mad, the Corelian people must be informed of this and the risk their leaders are taking.

As the head of the Secular government of Kor, we will try ever means necessary to avoid conflict, but the Faithful will not yield to blackmail or threats.

There is a greater danger: the priest caste of the Exiles grows increasingly hostile to the Corelians, and is calling for a Jihad against them. This crisis has the potential to spiral out of control and flow out beyond the Aragor and Prinntlot systems. Take heed.

Kirala, Chancellor and Servant of Kor
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Old February 18th, 2005, 04:13 PM

Space_Viking Space_Viking is offline
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

Sonne Empire council convened in a station circling the neutral system of Marmulla, so recently the site of conflict with the Phong people. Now that the war was ended, Phong worlds assimilated into the Sonne empire, and the last rogue Phong units being mopped up or assimilated, the council could address the newest crisis.

The Sonne councillors formed a cluster of radiantly glowing ethereal beings floating in vacuum, along with motley groups of the representatives of assimilated races placed upon domed gravitational plates.

Upon two separate domes guarded by armed Phone drones, the Corelian ambassador stood proudly and impassively with his staff, while the hooded priest-emissary from Kor, surrounded by dark vapors and his own acolytes sat upon a dais while texts were read to him.

The Sonne themselves reacted to the news of the growing Corelian-Kor crisis with alarm, colors flashing vividly and primary petals waving with agitation. The glowing 3D hieroglyphs of the Sonne written language appeared above the assembly as the Speaker relayed the reaction of the Sonne council.

"Thus far, the Sonne have only engaged in combat when attacked or when our allies have been attacked or threatened. Similarly, we have been generous with our technologies and resources to both our long-time allies the Corelian Empire, as well as to the Exiles.

The sudden hostilities directed at the Sonne vessel Ulaquiat by the Exiles and resulting tragedies and deaths upon both sides should have and could have been avoided. Similarly, the agressive expansionist policy of Corel and disagreement over genesis worlds is not acceptable.

We council that both the Exiles and Corel stand down. We have no wish to spark Jihad or another interstellar conflict when peace has been so recently restored to the local systems.

There can be no victors in this conflict, only the innocent victims among your people and the brave souls of your fleet crews.

We offer to broker negotiations between your peoples. However, if your peoples cannot resolve your conflict, we regrest that we shall have no choice but to withdraw our ambassadors and trade emissaries from both of your empires for the duration of the conflict. We shall also urge all other allies to adopt a neutral posture."

"Such is the will of the Council"
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Old February 18th, 2005, 04:24 PM

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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

This issue goes to the very heart of the Faith of Kor. It is clear to us that much of the tension arises from the fact that our civilization is focussed on what you refer to as the bending of the fabric of space. The creation of what the infidels call Warp Lines is more akin to a form of piety for us. To bring together the universe in such a manner is one of the highest forms of Worship we engage in, and it is the purview of the Priest Caste to continue it's pursuit of the Most Perfect Land. To do so involves a constant melding of space to the wishes of Kor, as communicated to the priests through their meditations.

It is clear, though, that the Corelians are threatened by this technology. We do not understand this. But, more to the point, we are unable and certainly unwilling to forego such actions because to do so would be an insult to the Eternal that is Kor. All of this is detailed in the Book of Kor, the Kor-An. (The Exiles Ambassador hands out gilt-edged copies of the Kor-An around the room).

Now, as we all know, the Sonne people find the manipulation of space to be disturbing to them. But, that is their choice, and we do not presume to carry out any such manipulation in their areas of influence. To do so would be risking the wrath of Kor in any case, for the Sonne, though a calming influence, are not of Kor.

Ambassador Korla-Kola, of Kor
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Old February 18th, 2005, 04:36 PM

Space_Viking Space_Viking is offline
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

More glowing hieroglyphs form in the center of the chamber...

"The Sonne and the Followers of Kor have reached a previous agreement in which the Sonne acknowledge the religious beliefs of the Exiles, and allow their space-bending holy devices to operate within limited systems not populated by Sonne natives, as these devices create vibrations that cause acute discomfort to the Sonne physiology.

However, we have no idealogical or military opposition to the use of such devices, so long as their use remains restricted to non-Sonne inhabited systems.

Therefore Sonne propose a treaty limiting the use of such devices, and that they can be used only with the consent of the rulers of both systems in which the warp points will appear.

In addition, the Sonne are developing dampening devices that will prevent the use of such devices, and volunteer to construct these facitilies in any specific system requested. In addition, the Sonne can construct these on artifical planetary satellites. All of these can and will be done out of the desire to maintain stability in this region of the galaxy."
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