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Old August 14th, 2004, 02:58 AM

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Default Re: MP game - \"Pantheons\" Preliminary invite

Depending on the # of participants and the number and type of teams, the map needs to be chosen after that point.

As for the Team Idea. Perhaps you could Play Emperor variety. Each team has an Emperor (King of the Panthenon) and a Panthenon cannot win if their Emperor is killed. You can place the map and positions to have guardian wings and province neighbors to have an outlet to help each of his wings.

Just an idea. Team games always present/provide interesting setups/games.
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Old August 14th, 2004, 03:27 AM

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Default Re: MP game - \"Pantheons\" Preliminary invite

This looks like it is coming together really well. I also liked the wrap around map suggestion(I think the name of the map is inland?).

For nations that are used maybe have two team captains take turns on choosing nations or something and then they can internally(their team of 5) decide who plays what nation of the 5 picks they got.
Yes, Inland. That was the one I suggested in my first post in here. It works well because it is wraparound and has very few choke points. Frequent, wide open battles are to be expected. Not good for water races, though.

And as for picking the races, what is wrong with random? It completely eliminates all arguments. Let Sheap or Zen randomly choose 5 races per side. Then let each team decide on how to allocate which race to which team player.

For example -
Dude! You know how to play Mictlan?
Um, not me. Let that other dude.
How 'bout it, dude?
Well, I would rather not! Maybe that dude over there.
Um, any you dudes care to give it a try?
Sure, I will try it, dude. Three months ago I made a pretender and played 6 turns on SP as Mictlan. I am experienced with it!
Go for it then, you're appointed! Upload that old pretender and let's get started!!!

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Old August 14th, 2004, 03:55 AM
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Default Re: MP game - \"Pantheons\" Preliminary invite


And as for picking the races, what is wrong with random? It completely eliminates all arguments. Let Sheap or Zen randomly choose 5 races per side. Then let each team decide on how to allocate which race to which team player.

Then you get to see both how the people are with their nations, and also how they are at teamwork - picking nations that complement one another. Ulm/Arco being a classic example, but also any nations whose mages contrast, or a nation with strong units but horrible scouting teamed with another with weak troops but great scouting / stealth (Pangaea/Caelum for flying scouts, or Ulm, Marignon, etc, for spies).

Sounds like a real fun game; hopefully it goes well, this kind of game would be a welcome change of pace for many people.
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Old August 14th, 2004, 04:26 AM

Lex Lex is offline
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Default Re: MP game - \"Pantheons\" Preliminary invite

count me in! I think this game is a brilliant idea! I'm open to playing pretty much any race as long as I get a few hours to test the hell out of it before uploading a pretender

oh, and I think its best if I change my name from "Alexi" to "Lex", since it might get confusing with 'Alexti' in the same game
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Old August 14th, 2004, 05:18 AM
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Default Re: MP game - \"Pantheons\" Preliminary invite

Two more things:
1. I think that just for the sake of order, it would be a nice idea if everyone added their team number (and perhaps their shrapnel name) to their pretender name, for easy identification and to avoid confusions.
2. If you go random - Ermor (and if we intend to use inland - Atlantis and R`lyeh as well) shuold be Banned, Im pretty sure there's no one who wants to play default Ermor and without any deathscales whatsoever (or being forced to play with a really low dominion to avoid friendly-scale-fire.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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Old August 14th, 2004, 05:39 AM

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Default Re: MP game - \"Pantheons\" Preliminary invite

Though I do not plan to play in the game, I don't think deathscales should be Banned, just the population-killing themes. There are many nations (Abysia comes to mind of course, but they are not the only ones) that can do well with a death scale of 1 or 2 points, which even if it spreads a little, isn't really going to be the end of the world. It's really the destructive dominions and not the death scale that hurts.
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Old August 14th, 2004, 05:59 AM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Comments on the discussion

First more comment

Thanks to Sheap for offering to host & Zen for offering his map choosing talents I am sure we will take you both up on this. (& I was being a bit ingenuous* & relying on the Boards good nature posting like that).

I think I may have sounded a bit harsh to JJ Colorado - a bit of trash talk in there. My apologies I respect your opinion it is just not mine.

I am pretty conservative & so want a game as close as possible to the usual MP so Indep 6 & no extra rules like Zens Emperor suggestion. If this game works then we can try variations (or maybe if it doesn't work!)

I think a wrap round map has gained popular approval and a slightly larger size than my initial thoughts seems OK. In a game like this we will probably start fighting one another before clearing all the indeps unlike standard MP so the map is kind of shrunk. Also I like tough indeps as they form "terrain" that will change over the course of the game I am open to being converted though.

With the themes I do not see the need to ban death themes unles nations are given out randomly in which case banning Ermor is probably a good idea (noone has ever played BE AFAIK). Looks like the water themes are out too as the map will be pretty dry.


*or maybe disingenuous I can never figure out which is which.
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Old August 14th, 2004, 06:18 AM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Voting Issues

There are a number of areas that need finalising

Choosing nations
I think there are two proposals - I am discounting FFA!

A) Random allocation to teams then free allocation to players within teams. (corolary Ermor Banned)
B) Teams alternating picks - to be picked probably by a captain but with the others input

I can live with either so choose to abstain.
I prefer the idea of choosing but it could be hard work! While random could shaft you with unbalanced sides. With 5 nations random is less likely to give an unfair match up plus there is more likelyhood of finding a nation you like.

Independent Strength

A) Low 3
B) High 7

Low will mean they get cleared quickly so allowing concentration on the other players. High means they form terrain & fit the usual MP experience.

I vote for high as this will canalise people and give more decisions - clear them or not which with L3 is not a decision. Plus low will "grow" the map size.

Score graphs
I did not mention these before (forgot)
A) On
B) Off

I do not care either way. The information is less relevant as you cannot do anything about it - you are already picking on your opponents.

Please expresss your preferences

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Old August 14th, 2004, 06:40 AM

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Default Set up

One other point - I do not know how the team members should be grouped on the map. I guess they should all be in contact with one another. This is probably less of an issue on a wrap round map. I was going to abdicate responsibilty for this to Zen who has kindly volunteered to set up positions. However if you have any opinions then please voice them.

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Old August 14th, 2004, 06:51 AM

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Default State of the game

Game summary
Rules standard except:-
Indep 3 or 7 to be decided
Site frequency 50
NB HoF 10
Map � Inland
Staling � let your team mates know your password to avoid staling
Nations � No Water nations. No Ermor if nations chosen randomly
Each team will chose a short Pantheon name
Your pretender name should include your Pantheon name
(or some other code to show teamness readily � same initial letter etc)

Team A

The Panther
(probable Mark the Merciful who I have yet to ask as he has disappeared)

Team B
Tuidjy (prob)

Did not actually express an interest but space could be made:
JJ Colorado

Interested but not around just now:

I do not know how experienced the B team is. I know we are quite sharky newbs - if we are still newbs even - in Team A. If there are no experienced players in Team B it may be better to swap Panther & Tauren for 2 green players from there. (Mark the Merciful lives in my house so it is too much of a pain to split him from me cf Panther & Tauren)

We seem to have 6 vs 6 too which I believe would fit on Inland.

Looks like we should be good to go in a couple of days - it always amazes me how fast games get going here.

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