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Old February 20th, 2004, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: Haven Project, looking for suggestions...

Originally posted by PaladinX:
Ok, so I'm working on a mod I'm calling The Haven Project...
Will you explain why you are giving this name to the mod (e.g.: what is the general theme of the mod about?)

Originally posted by PaladinX:
I want to make ship battles more epic by having more guns that do less damage, more shields, no more of the shields and armor skipping uberweapons...
I'd like to see projectile weapons (i.e.: D.U. Cannon) that don't damage shields at all (they are simply blocked) but do a lot of damage once you reach armor and components.

Originally posted by PaladinX:
What I'm really interested in right now though, is opinions and suggestions from all you players out there. What would you like to see in a mod?
As I said in recent Posts please find a way to let us have less money from cargo savage or to have more things to spend them on.

Some other things:

1) Add planetary defences.
2) Add passenger transport jobs and passanger seats cargo type (the differnce to common cargo should be that they pay far more but will accept you carrying them only if of same faction).
3) Add mining to asteroids and ore.
4) Change docking stations so that you can't dock to enemy ones.
5) Add sun-burning while flying near stars.
6) (most difficult) Add need for fuel tanks (see recent Posts), so you must buy it and you can buy Fuel Collectors to refuel yourself in nebulas or such.

Have a good work!
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Old February 20th, 2004, 05:48 PM

PaladinX PaladinX is offline
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Default Re: Haven Project, looking for suggestions...

Will you explain why you are giving this name to the mod (e.g.: what is the general theme of the mod about?)
Well, since you asked...

I'm calling it the Haven Project because it's based on a gameworld I call Haven, or Synergy. One of the factions in the game will be the Haven Brotherhood. I call them factions because they're not necessarily different races. The Haven Brotherhood and the Terra Nova Republic are both human factions, just for instance. There's also the Hundred Houses of Hadrian who won't be making an appearance in the mod.

Basically the background goes like this:

Humanity was born on the planet of Haven, and had been a galaxy-spanning empire in ancient times. Earth was just one of those colonies. The empire collapsed in a bloody civil war which threw the entire Galaxy into a dark age that took millenia to climb out of.

The whole history is very complex, but suffice it to say that Terrans found a way to reopen the Haven network, which are planetary gateways which allow travel between the worlds that made up the original Haven empire. Eventually they find Haven itself.

Renewed contact between the former member worlds of the Haven empire allows the knowledge that several cultures have developed with regards to the gateways to be brought together, and from the whole mass of research, their workings are finally understood. Giant jumpgates are built in each solar system, allowing starships to travel between them, and portals are built to new systems. The Terran government, now a monolithic republic, begins to colonize new worlds, and many established worlds eventually join in this republic.

Earth becomes the capital of a new Galactic Empire, but this time in the form of a Republic. A few worlds decline to join, and amongst them is Haven.

Haven has been through countless power struggles in its history, not the least of which was the civil war in which the gate network was rendered nonfunctional. In time, they finally abandoned government altogether. They are effectively an anarchy, but they follow a monastic order known as the Exemplars, or the Haven Brotherhood. The other worlds which chose not to join the Terran Republic mostly adopted the customs of the Brotherhood.

Terra allowed them to go their own way because there was no compelling reason to do otherwise, and because the Brotherhood had a reputation as fierce warriors (They are a warrior order, think Shaolin monks, or Jedi Knights).

Centuries passed and relations between the two powers were cordial. Then Hadrian came.

Hadrian was a citizen of Haven who claimed to have discovered that he was the direct descendant of the Last emperor of the Haven Empire. He argued that he was entitled to rule Haven. The Brotherhood and the people of Haven had chosen long ago never to obey another ruler however, and he was exiled. He travelled to a remote Terran Republic colony, and was not heard from for years.

When he emerged onto the galactic stage again, it was at the head of an army of cultish worshippers. He now made the direct claim that he was the rightful ruler of the entire galaxy, and his followers quickly seized control of a few remote colonies.

The Republic dismissed him as a non-threat, and dispatched a small disciplinary force to retake their colonies. With their high tech weapons and equipment, the Republican soldiers were overconfident, and underestimated their opponent. Whether or not Hadrian was truly descended from the Last Emperor of the galaxy may never be known, but he was a strategic and tactical genius. Outnumbered and outgunned, he managed through guerilla tactics and unpredictable maneuver to totally wipe out the Republic's forces in a week's time, and with the ships and weapons they took from the disciplinary force, his followers were able to strike a large, wealthy colony and take control of it before the Republic could react to their surprising loss.

He continued to make inroads against the Republic for decades, against all odds carving a kingdom for himself from the holdings of the most powerful political entity in the galaxy. He gave rulership of conquered worlds to his best soldiers, creating a feudal style kingdom with himself the High King. The Hundred Houses of Hadrian was born.

During all this time, the Republic, which had relocated its capital to a world called Terra Nova, closer to the galactic core, had been leaning hard on the outer colonies to provide them with the resources for their war effort against the Houses. The outer worlds began to crack under the strain, and the Republic just demanded more.

The outer worlds began to defect to the Haven Brotherhood in droves. The colonists on these worlds had always been very independant people, and they had become fed up with the Republic taking their resources and never giving anything in return.

The Republic had left the Brotherhood alone up until now, because they posed no threat, but now that they were absorbing Republic worlds (And Republic resources), they began to show a strong military presence in the outer reaches, thinking that the Brotherhood wouldn't want to risk war by supporting breakaway worlds.

What they didn't count on was the Brotherhood's code of honor, which required them to come to the aid of any who asked.

No one knows who fired the first shot, the Republic claims the Brotherhood ruthlessly destroyed a weaker vessel near a world that had newly broken away from the Republic. The Brotherhood claims that the Republican vessel fired on them without provocation, and that their salvage teams produced a computer core with evidence that the Republican vessel had been ordered to provoke a conflict. The core was somehow lost afterwards however.

Either way, the result was open war between the Terra Nova Republic and the Haven Brotherhood.

The events that this mod will cover take place about 5 years later, with the Republic fighting a two front war against the Houses and the Brotherhood, when a mysterious fourth faction appears on the scene...

I've run this scenario in pen and paper games, and I called it the Pandora's Box scenario.

Anyway, now you see what a long post that made, you know why I didn't write it in the first one
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Old February 21st, 2004, 02:21 AM

PaladinX PaladinX is offline
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Default Haven Project, looking for suggestions...

Ok, so I'm working on a mod I'm calling The Haven Project... I thought I'd take a moment to post what I have planned for it and ask what people are interested in seeing in it, since I'm not feeling motivated to work on the files right this instant, and working when you're not feeling motivated always leads to messing something up that will take hours to fix, and scrapping the project because now you're really not motivated lol.


The general goals I have for this mod are to replace all the ships and weapons with new Versions, and create a more intimate, more focused, more combat oriented game.

I want to make ship battles more epic by having more guns that do less damage, more shields, no more of the shields and armor skipping uberweapons... Basically a fight between two heavy capital ships should take a long time to resolve.

I'm shooting for three campaigns once I've finished setting up the components and ships and physics. One campaign for each of the three factions that will be involved. This whole mod will be based on a gameworld I created years ago for various pen and paper games, and I have any number of other factions and plotlines that could be added later, but three seems like a good number to start with.

For now I'm using stock ship models for the ships, but if there are any modellers out there that would like to help me out I can draw up design sets for you...

What I'm really interested in right now though, is opinions and suggestions from all you players out there. What would you like to see in a mod?
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Old February 22nd, 2004, 02:53 AM
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Default Re: Haven Project, looking for suggestions...

Ok, from what you write it seems there is a fair amount of technology which comes only from The Republic and no other races.

If that is the case all components should be of Republic's origin.

You could of course add some components of the The Brotherhood which have minor tweaks to distinguish them from those of the Republic.

What about ship's hulls?
Has the Brotherhood developed sufficent technology to build new ones ?
Has the Brotherhood a technology at all? They don't seem the likes who spend their time in a laboratory researching things!

From what you write it seems that during the wars they mainly captured disabled Republic's ships or just acquired fleets they found on revolting planets.

Otherwise they could have their own hulls to let us players better tell friends from foes during battles.
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Old February 22nd, 2004, 02:53 AM

PaladinX PaladinX is offline
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Default Re: Haven Project, looking for suggestions...

The Brotherhood has their own tech tree completely separate from Republic Tech (If you were looking at this as an SEIV thing). They're a culture as old (Well, older really) than Terran culture, and their tech is just as advanced if not moreso.

The Hundred Houses of Hadrian were the ones who got their initial gear from the Republic, but after they captured a few major worlds with production facilities they started producing their own slightly modified Versions.

Hadrianite tech is similar to Republican tech, but Brotherhood tech is based on a completely different military paradigm, and reflects this.

The Brotherhood themselves (The Order of Exemplars) are not the sum total of their culture, they're merely the monks. The majority of their people are just laypeople. There's no government, and the Exemplars have no legal authority, but cultural tradition gives their decisions a certain weight, and the people defer to their decisions as a general rule (People tend to take the minor disputes of everyday life to the nearest Exemplar, and have him arbitrate). The point is that there is a full culture of farmers and scientists and everything in between behind the Brotherhood, so they have technology.

The third faction will have a totally different paradigm as well. They're an alien culture with very different technology.
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