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Old July 15th, 2003, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

ooc:[only the baron's soldier's where converging on us. now, let's see...the telepath can't send the baron back to where he thinks we are because the bandits are nearing the baron's manor, so i guess he just keeps going.]

they had been riding for an hour now and they where getting nervious. the baron seemed almost obsessed on that mountain peak ahead and only thirty had been left to guard the manor with bandits about. but, he was the baron and maybe he knew something they didn't.

the bandits could easily see the the baron's manor and the town if they climbed a tree, although it all looked like toy blocks. in two more hours, they would be there. the plan was simple, they couldn't take the town until reinforcements got here, so they would attack the back wall of the manor. with only thirty soldier's on guard, it would be easy.

Narp, remembering the Last cave they went into, picked up a stick and said "D, can you cast silence on the stick? and Jack, could you cast a life-simulation spell on it?"


"adapting the spell from a flat, regular cylindrical base to a long, irregular cylindrical base will provide a little practice."

two short spells later, Narp rapped the stick around the cave walls, then stepped in.

a short walk and many raps in, the cave diverged into three different paths. from the left, one up the cave wall and going up, the other low on the cave wall and going down, the other level with the floor and going right. the wizard's could see a pale and shifting spell over all three doors and the space between. so, everyone stopped short of the room.

ooc:[hope you don't mind, but Jack's all out of disks and i didn't want to spend most of today, real-time, deciding how we're going to enter the cave.]

[ July 15, 2003, 19:03: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old July 16th, 2003, 10:54 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

Jack looks closely at the door.

Jack "Someone spent a lot of time on this. Again, it has that forced look to it."

John "Yes, yes it does. Hmm, I recognize every one of thse runes ... they seem to be in my style ... and have my signiture. That's odd; I don't remember making it."

ooc:[We've never actually told him he was being possessed, have we? He could readily be in denial at this point (especially with the comment Narf gave him about thinking he had been blocking).]

Jack's eye wanders over to the hinges.

Jack "Hmm. It seems the focus was on protecting the door and lock. The hinges were ignored completely, and could be removed without difficulty. As we are in a hurry, I suppose we can do without disenchanting the door for now; the enchantment will still be here on the way out ... Narp, got a knife?"

ooc:[Someone searching through another's memory for instructions on complex tasks would likely miss something of how they are supposed to be used; forgetting about the hinges, for example.]
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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Old July 18th, 2003, 08:19 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

ooc:[oops. musta missed that.]

Narp "at least seven or eight."

Narp sits down, pulls his pack out and rumages through it till he finds a knife about four inches long and an inch wide with a rounded tip. "this should do."

"i must remember to get a screwdriver once where back in town. now, i suppose it's best i remove those screws."

Narp sets to work on the screws. fortunatly, nothing blows up.

after a few minutes work, the screws come off. Narp carefully pulls the door out and lays it aside.

beyond lies a coridoor filled with heat. Narp's eyebrows are singed as he takes several steps backword.

ooc:[uh-oh, his scholar's showing.]

[ July 19, 2003, 09:03: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old July 20th, 2003, 08:32 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

Jack peers into the halway.

Jack "That's odd ... there isn't enough power being used to sustain the heat that seems to be there."

D "You're right. That means one of three things: either the heat is an illusion, it isn't being generated by magic, or it isn't being added to and will cool off on its own after a while."

Jack "Well, the first is easy enough to check..."

Jack reaches into his robes and pulls out an empty cloth bag, and throws it down the corridor.

Jack "Now, we wait a few moments."

A few minutes later, the bag is still just sitting there.

D "It seems the heat is an illusion. I can take care of that."

D casts his trusty dispel on the corridor, and the heat dissapears. Jack walks in and picks up his bag.

Jack "It seems to be safe." Jack checks the detect life spell. "The psi seems to be just beyond the door at the end of this hallway."

The party moves catiously down the corridor.

When they reach the door, Jack looks closely at it.

Jack "This one isn't enchanted, but there are indications of traps of a mundane nature. Hmm, I wonder how the psi deals with them? I suppose there is probably a switch somewhere. Let's see...."

Jack begins examining the walls, floor, and cieling.

ooc:[Jack isn't used to dismantaling mudane stuff; he's likely to glance right past what he is looking for if it is concealed well.]

ooc:[done with this one unless we don't get any new Posts for a day or two.]

[ July 20, 2003, 07:58: Message edited by: Jack Simth ]
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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Old July 20th, 2003, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

After several moments waiting for Jack to find some sign of the traps he's looking for, Arthur becomes impatient and mutters something under his breath. The surface of the wall begins to glow as if it were red-hot, causing every crack and crevice to stand out clearly. A push switch to the upper left of the door, two dart traps on each side, and a trap door three inches to the left of Jack's foot are seen, besides numerous cracks and scratches in the wall which appear to be natural in origin.

Arthur "There, that's better. Narp, I think this is more your department than mine. Care to try your hand at the switch?"

[ooc: I suppose the switch doesn't have to disarm the traps; it could be a little more complex than that. Either way, Arthur'll let Narp take the darts in the arm. ]

[ July 21, 2003, 03:10: Message edited by: Krsqk ]
The Unpronounceable Krsqk

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Old July 22nd, 2003, 03:12 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

ooc:[gee, thanks, but no thanks.]

Narp looks at them for a few seconds, then says "ok. everybody back."

everybody shuffles off a few paces.

Narp grabs a large knife out of his pack. a really large knife. almost a small sword or a machette. then, he throws it, nothing fance, just a solid throw, at the switch.





there was also a large block trap, which is now blocking the trap door.

the door swings open and a large block with a really long spear on the end of it with really long blades, covering the whole corridor so that only a contortionist could pass through unharmed is seen at the end of the corridor. there is no telepath there. with startling speed, the block starts heading toward the party. in fact, it's moving fast.

ooc:[can't be that easy. this wouldn't be much of a story if everything was easy.]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old July 22nd, 2003, 07:10 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

Jack points at the block, and it is suddenly wrappen in a green glow, and starts moving slowly. The glow fades, but the slow motion remains.

Jack "That should buy us several minutes. Let's hope he doesn't have any mages within the shield capable of spell detection."

John "That was noisy. I don't think stealth is going to be much use anymore; detecting the spell would just be icing on the cake. The psi knows we're here by now."

Jack "You've got a point. I suppose I could just teleport the rock behind us, unless anyone else has a better idea."

ooc:[edit - nevermind my previous edit; I'm getting tired, and my grammer checking skills are going down the drain.]

[ July 22, 2003, 06:47: Message edited by: Jack Simth ]
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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Old July 22nd, 2003, 07:36 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

[ooc: hit reply instead of edit.]

[ July 22, 2003, 07:04: Message edited by: Krsqk ]
The Unpronounceable Krsqk

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Old July 22nd, 2003, 08:03 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

Arthur casts a digging spell, and the block and spear drop nearly flush with the cave floor. Three figures are seen about one hundred yards down the tunnel, which appears to slope downward and to the right. All three are heavily armed with both melee and ranged weapons.

Arthur "Jack, any indications as to which of them is the psi?"

Before Jack can respond, the strangers fire their first volley. Two are firing bolts at an incredibly rapid pace, while the third is lobbing some sort of ignited shell. The shells shatter in mid-air, leaving a dust which lingers and does not seem to settle.

[ooc: The bows are chu ko nu or something of the sort--semi-auto crossbows fitted with exchangeable magazines. The shells just have a small combustible which burns down to the shell, causing it to burst. The dust is the damping dust Narp cooked up back on p.3 of the "shiny new RP thread" thread.]
The Unpronounceable Krsqk

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Old July 22nd, 2003, 08:21 AM
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Default Re: The Misadventures of the Missed Adventurers

ooc:[note to self: get better traps. yeesh.]

Narp jumps to the side of the passegeway and yells "get some sort of blocking shield up, if you can!"

Jack says something about an interesting challenge. then a green glowing shield pops up. unfortunatly, it's fluctuating. John adds some more energy and the shield stabalizes a little.

Narp "ok, you think you could change it so i can shoot through? maybe make a little hole?"

Jack says something else about an intersting challenge, then a little hole appears near the wall. Narp fires off some shots, getting one of the crossbowmen in the arm and chasing them back around a corner.

Narp "we need to move and fast, now that we're detected."

ooc:[i know that Jack likes teleport spells for weapons, but that wouldn't be very tense, so i'm having the powder be to destabiling for teleport, since it would probably be an intricate spell, and while Jack's very good at it, he would be slowed down. at least, that's my excuse.]

[ July 22, 2003, 07:25: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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