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Old October 13th, 2000, 07:41 PM
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Default Ground Combat

Sorry - Long

Now that that gold code is out (for demo purposes at least!), I am sure the design team (after a vacation) will start making a list of bugs to fix bugs, play balancing items and perhaps a few enhancements in the form of a patch. After surfing the various SE4 Boards, it appears that there is quite a bit of support out there in favor of enhancing ground combat (if feasable from a programming perspective). The following is an ideal I had posted awhile ago which might accomplish this while minimizing the amount of additional programming required.

- Use the current space combat grid/module for ground combat

- Terrain/background could be automatically generated based on type of planet (nothing fancy, just valid/invalid squares for terrain blocking, slower movement, etc.)

- Attacking player would choose what transports in fleet would deposit their troops/platforms to planet (similar to cargo transfer screen)

- Combat would proceed similar to space combat with ranges/to hits/moves all similar to space combat (this would open up a whole new set of components for troop propulsion, etc.) This would also allow longer range weapons to act as artillery, fast moving units as armor, etc. BUT would only require (I think) modifying the data files

- Of course the ground combat could become much more complicated with components to allow space bombardment from orbiting capital ships/fighters every XX turns (ala IG2), etc.

- This entire "combat subroutine" could be an alternative to the current one (so in the end game they could be quickly resolved) or their could be an option for "strategic resolution" similar to space combat

- In order to fit it into the current space combat model, all combat would have to be resolved in one turn

I think overall the expansion of ground combat would add a whole new dimension of strategy that IG2 tried to accomplish and MOO2 never did right. Using the existing space combat system and unit design/component data setup the amount of additional program would be minimized. *** If this is not feasible to due to time constraints of the program/design team - if there is enough interest perhaps MM would let a select group of interested people design the mod (including components, basic framework, play balance unit data, etc.) and then the program team could concentrate on implementing the additional "plug-in" of the ground combat based on the space combat engine. Support anyone?


[This message has been edited by Tampa_Gamer (edited 13 October 2000).]
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Old October 13th, 2000, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Ground Combat

Pretty lame when I reply to my own post - anyway, I had copied MM on the post and Aaron wrote the following:

"An excellent idea. If there is enough interest, we'd definitely add a
tactical ground combat option in.


So if you would like an OPTIONAL tactical combat option, respond to this post, post your own thoughts or e-mail MM.

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Old October 13th, 2000, 08:43 PM

Psitticine Psitticine is offline
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Default Re: Ground Combat

Sounds like a plan to me!

I haven't gotten to ground combat in 0.99 yet (My transports were all set, but I forgot to check the planet for WPs first - oops! New AI! ) but it was the only thing I wasn't really sold on with 0.56. It's not *bad* but I'd really prefer something less abstract!

It'd be a major selling point to me too, although I've already been sold in this case . . .
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Old October 14th, 2000, 02:15 AM

thedalus thedalus is offline
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Default Re: Ground Combat

Yep, i want it to :-)
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Old October 14th, 2000, 04:41 AM

Cyrien Cyrien is offline
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Default Re: Ground Combat

I would enjoy optional ground tactical combat.
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Old October 14th, 2000, 06:22 AM

wingte wingte is offline
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Default Re: Ground Combat

At least some mechanised ground units with fighter/space support..

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Old October 15th, 2000, 01:36 AM

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Default Re: Ground Combat

I think there is a lot of support for a better ground combat system. I just had an interesting discussion with Peter von Kleinsmith a beta tester of Shrapnel, about ground combat. He is also for a challenging ground combat system.

To your idea.
Generally is it good. But dont forget one thing which is really important.

Space ships has strategic movement points. Which each MP they are able to initiate one attack in one system square. For example a cruiser with 3 MPs left can initiate up to 3 tactical combats a 30 tactical turns. All in all 90 turns of tactical combat in only one strategic turn. If in this system ground combat occurs the ground units have to fight 30 turns each time the cruiser attacks.
This means that the number of ground combat depends soleley on the number of attacks space ships conduct at this system during one strategic turn.

This is silly, IMO. The number of ground combat turns should not depend on the number of attacks/MPs an attacking ship has left.

Maybe you can develope a system which solves this problem.

My solution would be to split the movementphase into seperate movement and combat phases. (space and ground)
But this is a really heavy change in the game code.

Another solution would be (P.v. Kleinsmids) to make a subphase a 30 tactical turns (inserted after the movementphase) in which ground combat is conducted.

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Old October 16th, 2000, 01:51 AM

MaxOMan MaxOMan is offline
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Default Re: Ground Combat

I, too, would like to see a more detailed/less abstract ground combat system incorporated (or at least optionally added) to make a great 4X game even better.

I also don't like the fact that multiple transports cannot land troops simultaneously. To me this just doesn't seem right.
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Old October 16th, 2000, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: Ground Combat

It is being worked on as we speak

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Old October 18th, 2000, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: Ground Combat


Interesting. If troops on both sides survive all 10 rounds of GC, it seems that the troops remain. Makes one wonder whether you can then pull over more transports and reinforce your beachhead.

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