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Old March 24th, 2001, 08:13 PM
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Default Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

I noticed this while testing my Trek Mod. They don't use the design name file specified in the _ai_general.txt file.

It seems like I saw someone ask this question before but I did a search and couldn't find it anywhere.

Is it something I am doing wrong or is it a bug the MM needs to correct?

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Old March 24th, 2001, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

You mind if I modify them so that I can add them as races to the game. I would like to wipe out star fleet with my bsg ships while fighting the EEE.

[This message has been edited by Dracus (edited 24 March 2001).]
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Old March 24th, 2001, 08:37 PM
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

Most of it is not my work. I simply put it all together. Go ahead.
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Old March 24th, 2001, 09:22 PM
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

Ok, thanks
I will give you some feedback as soon as I get them setup and added to my game including any changes I made.
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Old March 24th, 2001, 11:45 PM

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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

I think it uses any design names when the race is selected randomly. If it is added to a game as an emp file, you have to be sure that "uses race..." button is on for it to use the ai_general file you create for a particular race.
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Old March 25th, 2001, 01:37 AM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

If you look at the name files assigned by default, you'll see that there is a great deal of duplication. Most of the 'violent' species use Ravager.txt, for example. Don't forget the 'Neutrals' either. They use the same files as the major empires. Maybe when the game finds "collisons" in randomly selected races it dips into the dsgnname directory for a substitute names file? I've been collecting names on various themes -- Animals, Birds, Mythical monsters, Norse Myth, Celtic Myth, Chivalry (mainly Arthurian characters, but also Charlemagne and the Paladins, and even the Fairy Queene), and a few oddments like hacker jargon and medieval weapons and armor -- and have finally got enough to assign a completely unique names file to each race. I've tried to assign the themes according to some sort of correspondance with the character of the race. The Toltayan are described as a "Feudal" society, so I gave them the Chivalry file, for example. This will hopefully enhance the atmosphere of the game. When I'm ready to start another game we'll see if the proper files are finally used as assigned.
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Old March 25th, 2001, 08:38 AM
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

Baron did you post your name files anywhere so we could use them? Your description sounds very interesting.
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Old March 25th, 2001, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file


That is kind of what I was thinking, cause I know SEIV does weird things like that in other cases where files are missing or duplicated.

So to fix it I added new design name files so that there is no duplication. Now all 26 races have there own unique design name file. ( I have not uploaded this yet)

It still seems to not be woking though. If I quick start with a race it does not use the correct design name file. And they never seem to use the same one either from game to game.

I am thinking it's one of two things. Either it's a bug that MM will have to fix, or I may have a typo in one of the ai_general files, which is causing it to get out of sequence. I am looking for the second. Can't do much about the first, although I did email Aaron.

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Old March 25th, 2001, 10:03 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

Originally posted by Q:
Baron did you post your name files anywhere so we could use them? Your description sounds very interesting.

I was thinking of donating them to MM, actually. Then they could come out in a patch. I've got a lot of original stuff, and I've edited some of the default files to be more consistent. New names files:

Animals (non-bird animals),
Birds (gave this to Krill since they are described as having vestigal wings),
Business (business and financial terms),
Celtic (Celtic myth),
Chivalry (Arthurian and other Medieval heros plus some terms and concepts from medieval/chivalric life - used for Toltayan since they are "Feudal society"),
Creature (scifi/fantasy/mythical creatures that aren't in the other mythical files),
Foolish (yep, words for foolishness and general nerdiness, uh... except 'geek' and 'nerd' which are in the next file...),
Hacker (hacker jargon lifted straight from the jargon file. This was easy to research with my web browser! )
Insects (perfect for the XiChung!),
Latin (Roman Empire provinces, generals, etc. een some of their enemies like Hannibal)
Marine (fish and other marine life. Good for Sergetti since they are aquatic),
Musical (musical instruments, types of songs),
Norse (Norse myth),
Occult (a combination of new-age jargon with traditional spookiness terms. Works great for the Cue Cappa! ),
Plants (Trees and flowers, mainly. Good for any organic race. I gave it to the Drushocka.),
Tools (everything from adz to pickaxe)
Weapon (Hand weapons, not guns. Many terms for swords, spears, and such weapons plus medieval terms for piecesof armor like bracers and greaves),
Weather (types of weather, names of storms, strange winds, etc. Works well for the Abbidon)

Some of the original files have also been dramatically revised. Helvetic/Ravager have occupied a lot of time, for example. I've been trying to divide them into merely 'militarist' terms for ravager and more 'criminal' or 'evil' terms for helvetic. Many of the regional names files like Africa and Asia and Middeast have also been revised. There's less overlap between them and more familiar names (like Zanzibar for Africa) to make them more interesting.

[This message has been edited by Baron Munchausen (edited 25 March 2001).]
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Old March 26th, 2001, 09:32 AM

Talenn Talenn is offline
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Default Re: Ai races not using design name file specified in _ai_general.txt file

Add a .txt in the 'General' File on the line with the name file you want to use. As long as no other race is already using it (ie each race has its own unique file) it should work fine.

Good luck!

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