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Old October 15th, 2003, 09:47 PM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

i get tired of being called a hypocrit. i try not to generalize. and if i do generalize, i'm polite enough not to say it.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old October 15th, 2003, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

The best thing about Joe Millionaire was/is the Butler. They should rename the show "I buttle for Joe"

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Old October 16th, 2003, 07:45 AM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

Originally posted by gregebowman:
About the only thing I like about the European culture is they are not afraid to publish pictures of nudity. I used to look through Der Speigel when I took German, and found it very eye opening. Too bad we're still so self-righteous (and hypocritical) in the states when it comes to sex and nudity.
Yes here in America you can get 125 years for viewing an email that you did not request which contained an illegal photo from Europe.

Only in America will we send a person to prison for life because they have a photograph. If you kill someone, you get 20 years, but a photograph of European Porn...... OMG..... 125 years!!!

It is a sad environment that we live under. We are told we are free, but yet we have laws that controdict that.

If we are a free society, then why can't an eight year old kid take a comic book like Captain America to school? A kid was sent home and expelled from school because he took his dads old Captain America comic books to school to show his friends. The school freaked out because it had a german WWII Nazi symbol in it.

In my own state a kid was arrested and kicked out of school for taking a G I Joe figure to school along with the figures tiny replica M-16 and Colt 45. OMG call the police, evacuate the school, and call in the national gaurd!

If we are a free society, then why is driving consider a "privilage?"

I can go on for hours and type all night. But why? As population increases, freedoms decrease and the idiots previal. Nuff said.

[ October 16, 2003, 06:47: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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Old October 16th, 2003, 08:08 AM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

civilizations also undergo entropy until something revitalises them. people forget the reasons and the energy that created the civilization in the first place and allowed it to grow. either that or the civilization gets more and more rigid. ours, canada and the us, are getting more and more 'fluid'. losing integrity in more ways than one.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old October 16th, 2003, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

Originally posted by Atrocities:
Originally posted by gregebowman:
About the only thing I like about the European culture is they are not afraid to publish pictures of nudity. I used to look through Der Speigel when I took German, and found it very eye opening. Too bad we're still so self-righteous (and hypocritical) in the states when it comes to sex and nudity.
Yes here in America you can get 125 years for viewing an email that you did not request which contained an illegal photo from Europe.

Only in America will we send a person to prison for life because they have a photograph. If you kill someone, you get 20 years, but a photograph of European Porn...... OMG..... 125 years!!!

It is a sad environment that we live under. We are told we are free, but yet we have laws that controdict that.

If we are a free society, then why can't an eight year old kid take a comic book like Captain America to school? A kid was sent home and expelled from school because he took his dads old Captain America comic books to school to show his friends. The school freaked out because it had a german WWII Nazi symbol in it.

In my own state a kid was arrested and kicked out of school for taking a G I Joe figure to school along with the figures tiny replica M-16 and Colt 45. OMG call the police, evacuate the school, and call in the national gaurd!

If we are a free society, then why is driving consider a "privilage?"

I can go on for hours and type all night. But why? As population increases, freedoms decrease and the idiots previal. Nuff said.

Wow, 5 stars for you, even though you misspelled privilege

{rant} I hate it when my rights are trampled, and too many people go with the government by default. Yes, child porn is a disgusting "industry" that causes a lot of suffering. But the gov't has no right to search and impound people's computers, and toss them in jail, based on which magnetic domains point in which directions on their harddrive, and how the gov't decides to decode those bits. You know, a jpeg is also a valid text file. And any collection of bits could be interpereted as anything, depending on what you use to read them, or how you decide to decrypt them. I think jails should be for people that are committing crimes that have victims... the US gov't seems to want to see how many people it can cram in them, on whatever pretext (drugs use, anyone? Why aren't Bush and Clinton in jail, if it's so terrible?)


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Old October 16th, 2003, 03:52 PM

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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

Kiddie-porn is not a victimless crime. Allowing the filth to circulate only encourages it's production, and the illusion of acceptability inside the sub-culture of pedophiles. I don't want to bite anyone's head off over this, but I will.

That said, I will agree with Atrocities that prosecution based on the content of unsolicited e-mail is unreasonable.

But I do not think things are getting worse. The 'golden age', glorious past, paradise-from-which-we-have-fallen is a myth, and a common one that was held at every point in history. There are still problems, but they will be worked out.

Some of our newer problems are, in fact, the results of old solutions to older problems, but that is the nature of things. Today's solutions are often tomorrow's problems. This can be seen quite clearly while working on a large programming project my yourself or with a small number of people. It translates directly into many, many other situations.

Of course, I could be wrong. But not about the kiddie-porn.

[ October 16, 2003, 14:52: Message edited by: Loser ]
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Old October 16th, 2003, 04:53 PM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

Kiddie-porn is not a victimless crime. Allowing the filth to circulate only encourages it's production, and the illusion of acceptability inside the sub-culture of pedophiles. I don't want to bite anyone's head off over this, but I will.
Any one sick enough to desire such viciously life destroying materials as Kiddie-porn should be treated as the perverts they are. Those who make it should be shot. They are the ones who need 125 year sentences. Any person that would exploit a child should be beaten to within an inch of thier lives, have their bodies paralized from the neck down, and be forced to live the rest of their natural exsitance in a darkened room with only the hum of their feeding and respitory equipement to keep them company!

Those who view such material should be fined and publicly chastized for thier stupidity. They then should be forced to pay for counselling and on going evaluations to determine wether or not they will become a threat to children.

Some people are very sick, and I don't know who is more so, the people who provide the material, or those who want it. Either way it has been going on for centuries and only now are we as a society, world wide I would hope, standing up and saying enough is enough, leave the kids alone.

[ October 16, 2003, 15:55: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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Old October 16th, 2003, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

Did anyone ever stop to consider the point of view of the pedophiles? I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me for a minute. Believe it or not, I am sexually attracted to overweight women. Now imagine that the government came along and said that looking at pictures of naked overweight women was a crime. I happen to be lucky enough to also be attracted to normally-proportioned women, but what if I weren't? I'd have no outlet for my sexual energy and whose fault would it be? No one's, I was born that way! I'm not saying that kiddie porn should be legalized, but at the very least, we should do something with the pedophiles other than just letting them rot in prison - either get them into government-funded psychotherapy, or mercifully euthanize them!
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Old October 16th, 2003, 05:53 PM

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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

You know, when you check out the people who get involved in 'kiddie porn' you usually find that they were abused themselves. Maybe a lot of people need help rather than more abuse? The revenge model of 'justice' has never solved any problems. Back when everything from picking pockets to stealing a loaf of bread was punishable by hanging it didn't affect the crime rate. People committed those crimes out of necessity. Changing the conditions of society is what reduced the crime rate. Similarly, I think it would be far more productive to get people treatment for their sick sexual behaviors than to torture and mutilate them. Not only for the actual 'perps' but for society as a whole.
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Old October 16th, 2003, 06:01 PM

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Default Re: OT: You Might Be An Idiot If

Originally posted by Ed Kolis:
we should do something with the pedophiles other than just letting them rot in prison - either get them into government-funded psychotherapy, or mercifully euthanize them!
They are grown-ups. They are responsible for their actions. And statistics have clearly indicated, for some years now, that they don't take to treatment.

To be fair, it would be more exact to say that our current approach for treatment has no long term effect on a pedophile. This isn't like an alcoholic, where they will always be an alcoholic but can stop drinking. These people statistically will continue to act on their pedophiliac urges.

Perhaps we will come up with better forms of treatment in the future.

Euthanasia does not fit into how we would like to view ourselves. But don't feel down, these guys don't tend to Last long in prison. When it's time to hurt someone on general purposes, 'Chester' is the first punk-**s b***h on almost everyone's list. He's a great target to use to prove to everyone else how mean you are, and isn't as dangerous as the snitch. Or so I've been told.
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