Today I had a slightly odd idea.
It would be possible to set up a mod that was completely different from normal SEIV. So that its not planets and space ships, but sword and sorcery style. A sort of dngeons and dragons style thing. Below is a list of approximations that I could think of.
Planet vilage/town/city site (water supply)
Star Mana Point
Storm Rocks/jungle/woods
Asteroids Ruined town (no water)
Rock Suface
Ice ?
Gas giant ?
Warp Point Door
Ship Individual Person/Entity
Facility Building
Fighter Spell Particle (imp?)
Drone Summoned Thing
Mine Trap
Weapon Platform Magic Defense
Satallite Magic Defense
Component Equipment
Atmosphere ????
Organics Food
Minerals Ordanary Materials
Radioatives Mana
Supplies Supplies
Engine Legs/wings/etc
Ive had a play with the files and come up with a basic Version. Not sure how to upload to these forums, so ive put it on yahoo Groups (rubbish i know but i can't be bothered with anything more complex).
Magic Force v0.001
Has anyone tried this before? Any ideas?