The Birth of Modern Day SciFi
How many of you have ever seen the movie The Forbidden Planet?
If you have, then you will understand what I am about to say, if you have not, then I strongly recommend it.
This movie was released long before any series Sci-Fi shows or movies such as Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Stargate SG1, and many others. Sure it was not the first, I believe those honors really go to the Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon serials, with one or two old movie exceptions.
But if you watch The Forbidden Planet, you can see where Star Trek, Star Wars, and many others came from. TFB has many key points that clearly were "utilized" by other Sci-Fi movies and programs.
Watch the movie and think about what it is your watching. I think TFB is the defining instrument for which Star Trek, TOS and all of them, were based. There are things such as Hyper drive, bLasters, Robots, and many other items that later were used in Star Wars.
Id software for example got its name from this game along with the basic concept for Doom.
Gene Roddenberry used many aspects of this movie in developing Star Trek. A strong captain, United Planets, A strong relationship between the Captain, Ships XO, and Doctor. A view screen, faster than light travel, and much much more.
The intelligence of this movie even by today�s standards is brilliant. The special effects were state of the art then, and are actually quite impressive to watch even now.
This movie represents the intelligence of Sci-Fi movies, and helped to define an entire genera of movies and television. It pains me to think that this movie has been forgotten in pages of history, and would implore you all to go out and buy it before it fades completely.
The movie is really that good. And just to add souce to the goose, this movie lends itself well to SE IV. Watch it and you will see what I mean.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.