The AS has a limited range, the damage rating is actually % chance to subvert, and a they have a very long reload time. The % chance to subvert is lower at long range. Like all direct fire weapons there is a chance to miss that increases with distance. When the AS are finally maxed out in development and placed on the larger weapon mounts the chance to subvert goes to 100%.
Using a MAX range strategy and long range weapons can really help Make Then Miss, and the very slow reload rate is the AS's greatest weakness.
unless the race is religious/pyschic and uses the Talisman
The telekinetic projectors are decent weapons but not great weapons. They and the AS take up a lot Kt of space, so don't expect a ship to have many.
Master Computers are actually cost effective for the larger hulls. But... the computer virus (CV)is an incredably effective weapon. I heard if you have both the MC and Crews the crews can't be converted until the MC is destroyed. It can be an effective combination.
Since the (CV) damaged rating is a % chance to work, and there is chance to miss, and it has a reload time of 3, and the MC must be destroyed first, and the AS has a long reload time, you might survive long enough to knock the stuffing out of them.
The AS fodder (bait) ships are a good idea. Go cheap, go fast, and place an DUC 1 on it to force it into combat (simultaneous mode combat).
[ September 12, 2002, 23:32: Message edited by: Wardad ]