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Old April 4th, 2002, 02:29 AM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Multiplayer RP Scenerio (long)

Thinking about running a multiplayer role-playing scenerio. The question is, is anyone interested before I go and build this thing?

*Loosely* based on the events in David Weber/Steve White's books Insurrection and In Death Ground.

For those that don't know: In Death Ground was the first book, covering the Fourth InterStellar War against the bugs. The bugs are your sterotypical SF bugs; no respect for their own lives and all. Also completely ruthless, inabile to commicate with other races, and possesing a massive, powerful empire.

Insurrection is the second book time wise. The bugs have been defeated for years, and tensions between the rich inner Terran worlds and the poor Fringe world has come to a head. Civil war erupts.

In the scenerio's timeline, the Civil War breaks out.. and then the _Argive_ stumbles into a Bug system.

Yes, you read that right. The poor old Terrans get to deal with the Bugs and the civil war at the SAME TIME. Or not.. the Bugs may have a turn delay before the attack, giving the Terrans some time to deal with their issues. Assuming the allies don't blunder into them..

Every major race- the bugs, both terran races, the allied races, and maybe a few minor ones- will be represented. They'd all need players- I think I'll be running the Bugs unless someone really really wants that slot. The Bugs are really more of an NPC race; I have to make them powerful for them to display their fleets, but they also have to be STUPID, or the allies will never stand a chance.

The races will have the best aproximate of their respective techs I can give them. Stellar Manip will be disabled. I'm thinking of disabling PD as well. No AIs. Close WPs- yes. (one-way WPs, rather- but maybe, maybe not as the books show them). No drones, no surrender- take them over, blow them away, or force Subjgation. Own score only.

Victory conditions: peace for 1.5 years.

Mod: probably standard SE4 Gold, custom map. I don't want to move it to 1.49 (WP defense issue) but I will if the majority of the players don't have gold.

Interested? Post so, suggestions, and which race you want.

Terran Core: obvious
Terran Rim: (allied with Core at start) not sure
Terran Fringe: not sure. Using the same shipset would be too confusing.
Bugs: Xi'Chung (organic tech)
Orions: No idea.
Gorm (Orion allies): Drushoka? Can be dropped if needed (propulsion experts)
The bird brains (terran allies): dunno, can be dropped (FIGHTER experts..)
Tangri: Amorki; minor race, can be dropped. Pirates, essentially.


I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old April 4th, 2002, 02:35 AM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Multiplayer RP Scenerio (long)

I am in.
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg

Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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Old April 4th, 2002, 04:18 AM
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Default Re: Multiplayer RP Scenerio (long)

I would like to take the bugs.

It would be my second PBW game, so you don't have to worry about me being using crazy advanced strategies
Being the bad guys would also take some of the pressure off me
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Old April 4th, 2002, 04:27 AM
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Default Re: Multiplayer RP Scenerio (long)

Kinda sounds like Independence wars, at least insurrection anyways...

If I could I'd like to play the rebels

Edit: For the shipsets:

Terran 1: Terran
Terran 2: Maybe Sallegans? They look closest to Humans in Standard shipsets, and the ships look a bit shoddy than other races of the galaxy
Bugs: Xi'Chung, or Ukra Tal.
Bird Brains...(?): The Krill?
Orions: Preatorians?

Those are just ideas.

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: TerranC ]

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Old April 4th, 2002, 08:52 AM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: Multiplayer RP Scenerio (long)

Tesco: you're in. What race?
TerranC: I can't spell that race's name offhand, hence "bird brain". They don't look anything like the Krill, though that's the best I've seen so far. For the Orions, the Pratorian shipset doesn't really fit. They look like cats. "Tabbies" or "Whisker Twisters" is the nickname the Terrans give them. Really fond of fighters BTW, though not as good at them as the birds.

A few additions: The resupply tech area will not be allowed. No Quantum Reactors. PD is out- use smaller beam weapons.

SJ: I'll think about it. I have to figure out how I'm doing the bugs first, really.

Some more data on the races, so anyone else interested can pick:

-Terrans (all types): Galaxy's superpower- until the Bugs arrive. Best weapons technology, good R&D. Balanced weapons- energy, missile, fighter. Advanced traits: none. rock/oxygen. Advanced Traits: Nautral Merchants (core). Rebels have slightly better Aggressiveness and Defensiveness due to their more naval background.

Birds: (Opiluchi sp) Galaxy's best fighter pilots. They do look like birds.. big, bipedal predatory birds with hands. (very) Junior partner in the alliance with the Terrans. Small population- dislikes crowding, so no heavily populated worlds. Fighter heavy fleets. ice/oxygen. Racial Traits: whatever racial tree gets the best fighter weapons.

Orions: "Tabbies". Lost the Third Interstellar War to the Terrans. A war right now would come close, but the Terrans would still win. Honor bound culture. Currently allies with the terrans, though not so tight as the birds. Similar fleet as the Terrans, but with more empahis on fighters. rock/oxygen.

Gorm: Heavy-grav world occupants. In a similar situation with the Orions as the birds are with the Terrans, except openly "subservient". Very powerful for a subject power. Mildly telepathic, and a high radiation tolerence that makes their ships the fastest ever built. Bad fighter pilots. Fleet favors close-ranged weaponry. Advanced Traits: Propulsion Experts.

Arachnids/Bugs: Extremely aggressive, xenophobic. Described as a starfish crossed with a tarantula. Views all the other races as cattle (litterally). Impossible to communicate with, thus immune to intelligence actions. Massive fleet; no fighters. Advanced traits: Advanced Power Conservation, Advanced Storage Techniques.

Remeber that you'll be jumping in the middle of all this

Races available:
Terran (core): available
Terran (fringe/rebels): TerranC
Terran (rim): available
Orion: available
Birds: available
Gorm: available
Bugs: me OR suicide junkie
if suicide gets the bugs, I'll take one of the minor races that aren't listed here, like the Tangri, and/or any race that doesn't get filled up.


I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old April 4th, 2002, 07:09 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Multiplayer RP Scenerio (long)

I'll play the Gorm.

Will there be a history of the game up to that point and some pointers on how each race feels about each other and how to play the race.

I have not read the books.
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg

Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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