British Army Armoured and Armoured Infantry etc 2017/18-2025
Armoured Regiments:
Three squadrons each with 18 Challanger 2 MBT. 3 tank Coy HQ and five troops of 3 tanks. One recce squadron of 8 Ajax and four Ares/Athena APC.
Armoured Recce Regiment:
Three squadrons of 14 Ajax SV. 2 Ajax Coy HQ and three troops of 4 Ajax. One Support Squadron of 14 Ares APC 2 Ares Squadron HQ and three troops of 4 Ares APC. Armoured Recce regiments will also include Athena FOO type vehicles.
Armoured Infantry Battalions:
Three Companies of 14 Warrior. Coy HQ of 2 Warrior and three platoons of 4 Warrior. HQ Coy with Warrior, 8 Ajax and 8 Warrior SP mortar vehicles.
'Warrior 2000' (with the new 40mm turret, etc) is expected to reach service starting in early-mid 2018, so far as I can make out, although it might be a little earlier or a little later.
Mechanised Infantry Battalions, with Boxer APC, will, broadly, have the same organisation as Armoured Infantry battalions.
And that was about three hours work and about 30 sites visited and several mates emailed. Hope it is useful. I think it is about as accurate as we are going to get at present.
Last edited by IronDuke99; January 17th, 2017 at 11:37 PM..
Reason: Mistake corrected.