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Old January 30th, 2016, 06:42 AM

zastava128 zastava128 is offline
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Default Croatia custom OOB (replaces Red)

CROATIA OOB 1941-1946

I made this for personal use, but thought I might as well share it in case anyone is interested.

Because this mod may mess up any scenarios or games using the Red OOB (spob043), here's the obligatory warning:

IMPORTANT: "This mod contains highly altered or additional files that may or will cause interference with the master game files and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this mod be installed and played ONLY in a separate copy of the game and NOT run from the master game"


This OOB represents the Ustase and Domobran/Home Guard forces which formed the military of the Independent State of Croatia, a minor Axis nation.

To install the mod:
1) make a sub-folder to unzip this OOB into under the default OOBs folder
2) use the "Manage OOB Sets" button on the Game Options launcher, as described in the Game Guide to move it in or replace back with the default spob043 as required.

WARNING #1: There is no AI pick list. A human player must buy the any units used in a battle. Allowing the AI to select the units will result in an unplayable mess, such as a force consisting only of barges, scouts etc.

WARNING #2: The OOB covers the period from 5/41-12/46. Attempting to play before 5/41 will result in no units being available.

Some notes on the OOB:

1) There are no new pictures or icons. Unfortunately, the aircraft icons have various national markings. I have no intention of adding pictures or further updating this mod. It is provided as-is for anyone to use or modify as they see fit.

2) All battles will take place on the Balkans maps.

3) It covers only the forces which were directly under the control of the Ustashe government: the Ustase militia (including the Poglavnik's Bodyguard, a special unit devoted to protecting Ante Pavelić, the Ustase leader and head of state - rather like the German Leibstandarte SS division) and the Domobrani (Home Guard). In 1/45, these were merged into a single organization, called the Armed forces of the Independent State of Croatia, which is reflected in the OOB.

4) Therefore, it does not cover the following:
  • the Croatian/Bosnian SS divisions (Handschar, Prinz Eugen, Kama) - these were Waffen SS and under German command
  • the 3 German legion divisions in Yugoslavia (Blue, Tiger, Devil's, i.e. 369th, 373rd, 392nd) - these were commanded by German officers and part of the Wehrmacht
  • the Croatian legion units in the USSR (including the air legion) - these were part of the Wehrmacht

Use the German OOB to represent these units if desired.

5) Aircraft are no longer available after 5/45, representing total allied air superiority.
Attached Files
File Type: zip croatia 41-46.zip (8.4 KB, 498 views)
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