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Old October 27th, 2013, 12:08 PM
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Default Converting back for a campaign

OK, here is the situation:
I created a SPWW2 long campaign as Italians, starting June 1940. At the battle 1 deployment phase, I saved the game and converted it to a single player scenario for my friend to deploy they units for me. I played the scenario, finished it, and here is my problem: I seem not be able to convert it back to a campaign, so my core force gathers experience and I have another theatre selection options.

How do I solve that?
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Old October 27th, 2013, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

Then you put it into a user campaign framework that you have made up for the task perhaps?.

User Campaigns are a linked list (with the possibility of branching) of scenarios. You have created a scenario, and there is no way to back-convert it that I can think of.

Normal campaigns (as opposed to user) are a set of battles, made up by the long campaign code. Converting a battle save to a scenario save has removed it from the campaign by nuking internal flags etc in the save game.

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Old October 27th, 2013, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

I tried to assign this scenario for a user campaign, however my core force seems to be ignored and I am asked for Canadians instead (default settings). How should I then "move" my core force into the campaign so I can carry on with it? The game sees the core force (as other units are listed as aux), but seems to be ignoring it in user campaign output.

I am sorry for that, I havent been doing it previously.
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Old October 27th, 2013, 06:05 PM
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
I tried to assign this scenario for a user campaign, however my core force seems to be ignored and I am asked for Canadians instead (default settings). How should I then "move" my core force into the campaign so I can carry on with it? The game sees the core force (as other units are listed as aux), but seems to be ignoring it in user campaign output.

I am sorry for that, I havent been doing it previously.
I really haven't got a clue. None of that hacking about with save games is part of the supported game behaviour in any way.

You have hacked the campaign save game into a scenario, which the game is not designed to do in the first place. Its just that some end user found out that it "works". So you are on your own as to figuring out how to "reverse hack" it.

As I said before - key data will have been nuked by the conversion. Like perhaps the individual bits that said "I am a core unit" - most likely. Those bits are not made available in the scenario editor. Any non-core units of the players side are of course deleted in a user campaign scenario load.

Though you may want to read the blurb on "fixed core" elements in user campaigns - and then manually re-enter all the required data from scratch including damage levels etc. That would be the only way I could see of doing what you want.

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Old October 28th, 2013, 05:57 AM

valo2000 valo2000 is offline
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

i have done this many time in a save game if i wanted to make for example an international core force.

You start the long campaign buy your units and deploy them. the you save the game.

then change it from spsv001 to spscn501(there are always 2 types of files) for exapmple then you copy it into the scenario folder.

using the editor you can now change your core forces the map the enemy units whatever.

then you save the scenario in the editor.

then you copy the scenario file back to the save game folder aNd change the name back to spsv001 or whatever.

now you load the game and play the scenario after ending it anything should continue as always.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 05:58 AM

valo2000 valo2000 is offline
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

actually information on what is a core unit doesnt get deleted if you change a save file to a scenario file. that is why its not possible to delete core units in the scenario editor if you are editing a savegame
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Old October 28th, 2013, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

OK - then the OP must be doing something for his campaign to ask for a different nationality from whatever his original was.

(Scenhacking the HQ units nationality might work, if he went and changed that to a Canadian unit?)

Either way - savegame data hacking is not "supported" - and is one of those undocumented things that may stop working later on e.g. if there was a code or data change, so don't rely on it.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 10:59 AM

valo2000 valo2000 is offline
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

i think the problem is that he forgot to change it back into a save game file. if you play it as scenario it will not continue the campaign of course you have to turn the file back into a savegame.
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Old October 28th, 2013, 11:03 AM

valo2000 valo2000 is offline
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

to clear things up if you stay in the long campaign do it as i described. if you start a user campaign you have to put the nationality by changing the flag in the upper right corner. it can be changed during the campaign even.

if you are in the first scenario of the campaign you have to designate the units as starting core or something. ts4ever knows more about it as he did it for me.

if you want to have maximum editability use the user campaign if you want it easy use the long campaign you wont have to decide what the next battle and so on.
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Old November 7th, 2013, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: Converting back for a campaign

Tested it though and most likely your solution works! I will yet confirm after a couple of scenarios, but conversion save --> scenario --> save seems to be fluent.
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