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Old January 24th, 2013, 02:32 AM

dmnt dmnt is offline
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Default Sweden OOB 6.0, Hovercraft

As I was fighting a battle using Swedish troops I noticed that the weapon data for Swedish hovercrafts didn't look believable.

Weapon 14, 37mm m/38 L45, in a modern vessel with HE Kill: 1.

After a little bit of googling I finally found the Swedish Defence Forces page about the hovercraft:

cirka 10 ton
Vilket kan vara något av följande olika alternativ:
- 50 utrustade soldater
- 1 bandvagn 309S
- 1 20 fots container

1 tung kulspruta 12,7 mm"

Carry capacity ~10 metric tons, which can be used for following options:
- 50 soldiers + equipment
- 1 Bv309S (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandvagn_309)
- 1 "20 fots" container

1 heavy machine gun 12,7mm

Unit 600, Griffon 6100TD
Carry capacity: 250
Weapon: 051 12,7mm M2HB HMG
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Old January 24th, 2013, 08:44 AM
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Default Re: Sweden OOB 6.0, Hovercraft

That 37mm m/38 L45 is a cut and paste error. The "parent" of that unit is the British Griffon 2000 which has a 7.62mm GPMG in the first slot as weapon 14 ( the 90 ammo is the giveaway it was supposed to be a MG ) so that's been missed by everyone for 6 or 7 years.

The problem with giving that 250 CC is although the intent is to only allow a single BV anyone could load a full size MBT in it and it's really an infantry only hovercraft

The armament has been corrected

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hovercraft, oob, sweden

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