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Old January 7th, 2002, 08:03 AM

Eric Bamberg Eric Bamberg is offline
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Default Number of Computer Players

Does anyone know if there's a way to control how many computer players there are in a single-player game? Even when I set the number of computer players to "high", on a 255 system game it only generates 8 or so computer players with 4 or 5 neutrals. I'd like to see 15 or 16 computer players with 4 or 5 neutrals. Is there any way I can make the system generate that many players?

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Old January 7th, 2002, 09:02 AM
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Default Re: Number of Computer Players

not to my knowledge, but someone might pull something out of the settings.txt to make me look stupid. odds are that if its possible, thats where it would be. your other option is to assign some computer players to the game at game creation, and randomly generate the rest. of course you will know which ones you assigned, so that takes some of the mystery out of it.
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Old January 7th, 2002, 09:12 AM

Eric Bamberg Eric Bamberg is offline
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Default Re: Number of Computer Players

Thank you for your help. I'm kind of hoping someone will pull something out of settings.txt to make me look stupid. I looked, but didn't see anything that seemed to control the setting. You suggest assigning specific computer players; how do I do that? I tried adding extra players but they ended up being set up as human-controlled. Is there an option to make the players I add computer controlled? I'm not worried about knowing which ones are in there. It'll be worth it if I can have more than 8. Thanks again.

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Old January 7th, 2002, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: Number of Computer Players

Originally posted by Eric Bamberg:
Thank you for your help. I'm kind of hoping someone will pull something out of settings.txt to make me look stupid. I looked, but didn't see anything that seemed to control the setting. You suggest assigning specific computer players; how do I do that? I tried adding extra players but they ended up being set up as human-controlled. Is there an option to make the players I add computer controlled? I'm not worried about knowing which ones are in there. It'll be worth it if I can have more than 8. Thanks again.


1. Add Existing.
2. Edit
3. Click on "Computer Controlled", which changes to say Controlled By Computer
4. Click on "User Race Minister Style", which changes to Using Style from Race
5. Create Empire
6. Repeat.

[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: Resident Alien 2 ]

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Old January 7th, 2002, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: Number of Computer Players

The max number of races you can have including neutrals is 20, so you can have 19 AI races plus your one player race. all 20 slots are full then Planets will not be able to rebel.
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Old January 7th, 2002, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: Number of Computer Players

Currently the only way is by assigning player as described below and changing them to computer control. However one of the new features included in the Gold release is the ability to control the numer of AI races from the settings.txt file. It's quite convienent. You will like it I am sure.

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