Originally Posted by Rick L
I am playing EA Hellheim and my pretender can cast wish. I tried to wish for Kokabel and was told I couldn't have that. I entered Grigori (Kokabel) and it allowed me to cast the wish. However, nothing resulted except a loss of 100 astral pearls. Does wish only work a certain percentage of the time?
When I wish for a Grigori, put Grigori, but if it allowed to do this (wish for Grigori (Kokabel), you probably got the Grigori, but not sure that you get the one you want.
So the following could have happened:
1- when you get it, he comes as a unit, and not until you GoR him, will he be a commander. So look in you units regular units, not your comanders.
2- you already had a Grigori. when you wish for a Grigori you only get the first of the Grigori, at least it has been my experience (can´t remember what his name is, but he carries the first sword). If you wish again for a Grigori nothing will happen, as you already have it, and you would have lost 100 pearls.