Originally posted by Baron Munchausen:
Uh, one 'millisecond' is a thousandth of a second. 5000 is FIVE SECONDS. Do you really need it to wait five seconds between each move of the ship? Remember, this is not per square, this is per FRAME in animation. Assuming 30 frames per second that's forcing a second of animation to Last 150 seconds.
Somehow it's not surprising that setting such a high value would cause some sort of overflow or lockup. I've been using a value of 5, yes 5, for a long time now. I've got Win98 running on an AMD Duron.
A per frame delay, oops that explains why it looked frozen. I was hoping this would slow down the non-animated ship movement. Doesn't look like it's going to help me though.
I would like to either speed up the animated ships a bit (currently 1 sec per move point) or slow down the non-animated ships (instant arrival). Setting to 5 is even slower when animated.
I tried the same save game on my old P200 Win ME system. The animated ship movement is quicker on this older system, this is the setting I used previously and was happy with.
Something to do with XP, or 3d graphics cards maybe?