I missed it. Did he say it was on one of the public servers? I think everyone is taking for granted that he is running it on his own machine.
If the game is on any of the servers (llamaserver, dom3minions, dom3.servegame, valhalla, etc) then it would have to be changed on the server. Also keep in mind that for most changes the players will also have to have matching mods so they have to change it also.
This is why one of my standard suggestions is that ALL games, especially multiplayer games planned to run a long time, should include one of the many blank little filler-mod examples to make it easy to put in changes later. It makes it much easier to remove units or spells or equipment in mid game if its causing a problem.
I have one available at my site
Gandalf Parker
"Excuse me mage, but did I not tell you the things I expected you to do in
that combat? Do you want to explain WHY you chose to defy me?"
"Oh I see. Gems. Lack of range. Fatigue. Yeah fine."
Hey Lackey, give that mage a fever fetish."