Many things have been created for SE4: Mods, PBW, scenarios, maps, even PBEM and LAN helpers.
What problems are still unsolved?
What should the next advance be?
Write it, and they shall come...
The latest info on
Pirates & Nomads (forum thread).
Download V2.3b>- (Fixed rare RCE from AI; just extract to your SE4 folder)
Download my HomeComing scenario>- (For P&N v2.3b)
P&N V2 AI patch>- (V2
only, for the AIs included in ZIPs from v2.0 to v2.3, prevents rare RCEs)
Download P&N Classic>- (The final release of P&N v1.x, just extract to your SE4 folder)
Download compatible EMPs for P&N v1.2 through v1.7>-
Download SJs latest AI Patcher>-
Download my FTL propulsion map>- (ships can travel FTL StarTrek/B5/StarWars style)
Download my LAN helper>- (Auto-searches for new turns on a filesharing-enabled LAN)
My Homepage
Other Links:
Play By Web>-
Schlock Mercenary>- (great space-based webcartoon) -<
First Strip>-
8-bit Theater>- (fun comic with the pixellated FF1 characters)
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