Server: LlamaServer (automated play-by-email, FAQ below)
Hosting interval: Initially 24 hours, 48 at Turn 20, 72 at 50
Age: Early
Graphs: On
Settings: Default except for renaming on, Magic Site at 55% (+10%, which tends to mean that people generally get the gem types they need)
Mods: None (non-negotiable)
Map: 10 land provinces per person. Basically, it is a little larger than Medium Random(learned my lesson from DarkParadise). I'll generate a few and choose home provinces that don't suck.
Players: 8+ (I'll close once 8+ is reached)
Rules: Anything goes. Unless you are hacking files or spamming email/mail, any tactic allowed by the game is considered fair game.
Exception: If you make a Pact with someone, record it in the game thread with the Turn (and record when you end it). If you don't want to record it for any reason (eg. secret pact), then there shouldn't be any complaining about pact-breakers in the game thread.
Lanka - K
Hinnon - archaeolept
Neifleheim - Executor
Pangaea - Deadnature
Ry'leh - PsiSoldier
Mictlan - mighty_scoop
Abysia - Aapeli
Fomoria - DonCorazon