I'm your daisy! I have been playing since day one or shortly before, depending on how one feels about bootleg betas but I don't take it tooooo serious. The game is to complex to completely avoid mistakes, so don't get frantic over them. I do mulligans if it's part of the learning curve. I must be getting close to 2,000 games against Human opponents, the bulk of them hot seat games so I'm well past the point of worrying about the win loss thingie. I have had my head delivered the next day by Fed Ex enough times to not get flusterd by it anymore.
I prefer to play for 'funnsies' and save my dirty tricks and sneaky stuff for the hard core. I have also done a little training at the Blitz.
So I am comfortable with just about everything. I have the CD, so there are a bunch of slots open there since I'm not very active nowdays. I have slot 01 and 04 (maybe, he just found a job after an extended out of work period and might have to drop his SP time) off the DL slate. If you are interested E-Mail me at "
[email protected] " and I'll look for you in the spam can and authorize you.