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Old July 7th, 2008, 10:01 PM

Itchykobu Itchykobu is offline
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Default The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

This guy is my favorite character. For reasons I can't explain, I really enjoy the blind cave salamander theme. I'm currently pulling a 6E6W Ancient Olm pretender who has racked up hundreds of kills, 3 of which were an enemy Draikana pretender (I'm playing against CPU).

Now, there is a big "HOWEVER" clause here. 1) I'm a complete newbie to this game, so I'm still learning a lot of ins and outs. 2) The AO pretender has lower stats in all areas compared to most pretenders (in fact, I'm surprised I've done so well with him). I can't find many pluses to using this guy, other than the large success I've experienced.

The first game I played I tried a solid D9 pretender and tried to blitz to researching Utter Dark (those Olms are good at night!). Unfortunately, the other pretenders got globals out way before I did, and my empire crumbled. So, I tossed away the Utter Dark strategy.

Now my victories sound like quite random circumstance compared to last game. Does anyone else use the Ancient Olm? If so, what are the real ups of using this guy? I'm certain my luck is either (a) random and can't hold out forever, or (b) randomly good choices by me that I should repeat.

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Old July 7th, 2008, 10:49 PM

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Default Re: The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

It's certainly possible to do well with the Olm, but I would not say he is very optimal, compared to the risen oracle. His main problem is low dominion and lack of fear, meaning it's not too hard for even chaff to swarm him to death.
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Old July 8th, 2008, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

IIRC I use it as a imprisoned 9e9w bless, good for all those fun statues and stuff and good for you mages.
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Old July 8th, 2008, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

Yeah, thing is, anything can be viable in SP, that's half the fun of the AI, is it will allow you to make even the most improbable strategy succeed, if you put enough effort out.

On the other hand, as far as MP goes, the Olm is not very good as an SC. The first problem is, to make it work for any kind of bless, you won't afford to have him be awake. but if you have him awake, he doesn't start with Fear or Awe, or any armor, so he will not get you very far, and in MP your SC is either awake, or a very bad idea (there is a niche for highly developed strats involving Cons 4 at the end of year 1, and a sleeping pretender, but few even try to make it viable).

So as Cor says, really the only reason you'd want the Olm is to imprison for blesses. Unfortunately for Agartha, Earth bless is fairly useless for your summoned statues. Plus, everyone seems to agree that Agartha NEEDS at least a minor Fire bless. What it comes down to, is that the Olm would be amazing for most other nations (W and E are my favorite majors), but is not a very efficient way to spend points for Agartha. A shame, really, he really is SO COOL. I tried to use him once as an awake SC when I first started playing. Squished worm, he didn't stand a chance.
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Old July 8th, 2008, 03:11 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

Anyway, it feels rather strange that Olms arent reflected in the Agartha race. There's that Olm pretender, and there are half-Olm heroes. Other than that, there's no hint that they are even there.
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Old July 8th, 2008, 03:58 AM
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Default Re: The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

My feeling is that Agartha should be revamped, atleast EA Agartha, and given access to all sorts of weird underground creatures, mainly as summons. We're seeing a lot of new nations, lately, that get literally dozens of national summons (Lanka stands out, but also Gath and Bogarus), and I think the older nations deserve some of the same treatment. And personally, while I'd love to see more underground nations (there's 3 ocean nations plus all the amphibians, and only one cave nation? gnomes anyone?), Agartha's basically it. So it would be great if they could get more summons. There's tons of cave weirdness out there that would *easily* fit into the game, to great effect.
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Old July 8th, 2008, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: The Ancient Olm, a viable strategy?

The Ageless Olm is clearly the olmtimate weapon!

I use him as a nice thematic mellow low-cost pretender and/or for EW bless or scales. He can support an army and survive attempts to kill him with things which would work against weaker pretenders, but I'd not try to make him be a super combatant.
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